Saturday, July 30, 2016

Why is this Washington DC Country Club, and media protecting Hillary Clinton? /

wikileaks July 29, 2016 1:36 p.m.

Does Julian Assange Really Have an Email That Will Get Hillary Clinton Tossed in Prison? (Updated)

By Jesse Singal

"We have accumulated a lot of material about Hillary Clinton — we could proceed to an indictment. But because Loretta Lynch is the DoJ, head of the DoJ in the United States, appointed by Obama, Loretta Lynch is the person in charge of our case [meaning the government’s investigation of WikiLeaks’ dissemination of classified government documents]. She’s not going to indict Hillary Clinton, that’s not possible that could happen, but the FBI can push for concessions from the new Clinton government in exchange for its lack of indictment. But there’s very strong material, both in the emails and in relation to the Clinton Foundation. For example, we published an email where Hillary Clinton is instructing her staff to remove the ‘Classified’ header of a classified document and send it by a non-classified fax. So that just requires one more thing, which is to show that the document was actually sent. But she instructed her staff to violate those classification procedures in the United States."

Hordes of internet denizens are convinced he has made that claim, but the real story is stranger.

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