Friday, September 9, 2016

What can we expect when our country's media behaves like that.

U.S. President Barack Obama at the 11th East Asia Summit. (Noel Celis/AFP/Getty Images)
Thomas Williams

The Court of public opinion is now speaking to everyone as the American broadcast media certainly is trying openly to negate Donald Trumps poll numbers.

I guess I shouldn't feel this way but I feel more kindly to animals like Dogs and Cats than the people working for the TV News Network's these days.

Not holding Barack Obama to the same social standards as the rest of the American population has been one of the worst mistakes that I have ever lived around. So what on earth do we expect from the rest of the world when the America news media keep behaving like that. Respect is a quality of life that we earned, you know what I mean.

Incident in Hangzhou

By Charles Krauthammer Opinion writer September 8 at 7:27 PM
The president of the United States lands with all the majesty of Air Force One, waiting to exit the front door and stride down the rolling staircase to the red-carpeted tarmac. Except that there is no rolling staircase. He is forced to exit — as one China expert put it rather undiplomatically — through “the ass” of the plane.

This happened Saturday at Hangzhou airport. Yes, in China. If the Chinese didn’t invent diplomatic protocol, they surely are its most venerable and experienced practitioners. They’ve been at it for 4,000 years. They are the masters of every tributary gesture, every nuance of hierarchical ritual. In a land so exquisitely sensitive to protocol, rolling staircases don’t just disappear at arrival ceremonies. Indeed, not one of the other G-20 world leaders was left stranded on his plane upon arrival.

Did President Xi Jinping directly order airport personnel and diplomatic functionaries to deny President Obama a proper welcome? Who knows? But the message, whether intentional or not, wasn’t very subtle. The authorities expressed no regret, no remorse and certainly no apology. On the contrary, they scolded the media for even reporting the snub.

No surprise. China’s ostentatious rudeness was perfectly reflective of the world’s general disdain for Obama. His high-minded lectures about global norms and demands that others live up to their “international obligations” are no longer amusing. They’re irritating.



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