Tuesday, January 7, 2020

This country's 2020 propaganda media galore society thinks if they control the news cycle they can keep controlling what you think, and feel.

Jeffrey Anthony
What I find amusing is that leftists rant on and on about their irrational paranoid fantasies that American Conservatives want, at some unspecified time in the future, to force women into the cinematic garb pictured at the top, but they make no complaint whatsoever when, today, Islamofascists force women into the garb pictured at bottom -- for real.
Surely I'm not the only one who sees the irrational hysterics in this, am I?
What kind of sexists *are* leftists that they tolerate without comment the outrage against women that is the Islamofascist veil?


  • Charles Lutte When stripped of their self-righteous pride, they are utter cowards at heart.
  • Thomas Williams - Nancy Pelosi wants the news cycle to stay off of what's happening in San Francisco and what's going on with these Washington DC establishments politicians stealing money by abusing the system and being protected by the same media members who say they are so devoted to the people's truth to power news Legacy. Is she still fooling you with her everyday news cycle media bull talk today?
    Tinker Town Tiger: Is she still fooling you with her everyday news cy... https://tinkertowntiger.blogspot.com/.../is-she-still...
    Is she still fooling you with her everyday news cycle media bull talk today?
    Is she still fooling you with her everyday news cycle media bull talk today?

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