Saturday, June 18, 2016

Can Donald Trump win leading the charge by himself?

Excellent video!!!! I just want to ask EVERY AMERICAN, are you sick and tired of OUR money (20 billion dollars ) is sent back EVERY year to Mexico ?????? That 20 billion dollars could be used in America....
An "Only Trump 2016 exclusive."
A compilation of newsclips, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtubers commenting on Donald Trump and "The race card."
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Joy Carles
Rose Conover Vassey
Rose Conover Vassey: Why isn't the media covering Hillary's racial bigotry. She stated her HERO is Margaret Sanger. Who believed in forced sterilization and that blacks were "unfit" to procreate. the late 1940s, she spoke about ways to solve the "Negro problem" in the United States.
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams: Unless DT can break away into the clear in some respect I think this coordinated push by the elites and media will severely impede Trump.

It's wrong and rigged, but they will do it anyway.
Joe Chavez Ptak to Cowboy Logic Restoring America Forum
" They will be looking to promote politically correct "Republican Collaborators", in order to assist them with their propaganda efforts.
Right now they have found their PRIZE STOOGE to be none other than Speaker of the House, Republican PAUL RYAN."

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