Saturday, June 18, 2016

"Republican Collaborators"

Joe Chavez Ptak posted in 2 groups.

  • Michael Beard
    ALL liberal/progressive/socialist MSM sources will be coordinating their attacks on Trump with this question to Republicans everywhere. They will be looking to promote politically correct "Republican Collaborators", in order to assist them with their propaganda efforts.
    Right now they have found their PRIZE STOOGE to be none other than Speaker of the House, Republican PAUL RYAN.
Michael Beard: Ryan is a globalist puppet who would put Islamics refugees lives over Americans.

Washington won't be happy until those monsters get ahold of a school bus or a nuke.
Sammy Simmons
Sammy Simmons: Shut up like you we're told Ryan.
Gerry Mayton Smith
Gerry Mayton Smith: Ryan has really become a Rinoserous. The Republican party has now conceded the election to Hillary. Even though they do not like her, they like Trump less and are willing to give our country away, as they know Hillary will select secular progressives to the Supreme court who will further erode our great country into the 'Dictatorship of the Proletariat that the Democratic Party has wanted for a long time. k.s.
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams: Unless DT can break away into the clear in some respect I think this coordinated push by the elites and media will severely impede Trump.

It's wrong and rigged, but they will do it anyway.

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