Sunday, June 19, 2016

So God speed America because we are now living in a TV loony bin for real.

Thomas Williams ·

Donald Trump is going to need to be a very strong person to come out on top of all the forces working against him today. And I have totally lost faith in all of this because our US Government doesn't want to go after the real problem trying to kill us.

Where other people entertain their own propaganda that it might possibly be true. The DC Country Club keeps telling you through the media that the American people need to think about all of these other people before they think about themselves and family. And that they are of course being taken advantage of based on morality. It is hard for me to watch, and listen too.

So God speed America because we are now living in a TV loony bin for real.
Lauren Lowe ·

Jennifer has had a little bit too much possum stew tonight.
Michael Babb ·

I have a lot of reservations about Trump and don't know exactly what he would do, but I do know what Hillary has done; she jeopardized national security by exchanging classified information on a private server, which violated State Department rules, and thus, federal law. And she has a record of failure from health care during her husband's presidency, to her Iraq War vote, to the Russian reset, to Benghazi, and to Libya and the entire Middle East.
Like · Reply · 3 · 4 mins · Edited
Roger Pence ·

Sounds like he got through the whole event without insulting a single American. Maybe he's turning it around and becoming more "presidential."
Like · Reply · 1 · 21 mins
William Vance Masterson ·

I´m for Trump for many reasons; legal immigration, curfew on entry of immigrants from terrorist regions, jobs and economy, rebuke of the Clinton corruption and the dangerous precedent of an "argentinian" style Presidency. The wife of an ex Pres as President is Third World and more suited to a corrupt Argentina. William Masterson, Spain
Like · Reply · 1 · 25 mins
David Davidson
Gee Jennifer, I see even the female janitors have access to computers, but I hope yu aree not writing these comments while on the clock???
Dolph C. Volker
That is how I feel as well. Immigration is great as long as it's vetted and invited in, all others blocked, physically and legally by strong enforcement.
Like · Reply · 34 mins

'I think we're going to win!' Trump fires up crowd during Valley visit

 Thousands of people braved the heat Saturday and made their way to Veterans Memorial Coliseum to attend the campaign rally for presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The presumptive Republican nominee took the stage at about 4:20 p.m. Saturday with immediate promises of solving our country's problems.

"We're going to be very, very smart. We're going to be tough. We're going to be very vigilant, and we're going to solve our problems," he said.

Trump first addressed the Orlando massacre. "What happened was an assault on our country; it was an assault on the gay community," he said. He also said the mass shooting was not about guns; it was about terrorism.

[Raw video: Donald Trump campaign speech in Phoenix - June 18, 2016]

The hot topic issue of immigration came up next. "We want people to come into our country...legally, legally," Trump said.

Trump made an appeal to female voters, saying, "We want women for Trump!"
He promised to bring jobs back, cut taxes and repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He also pledged to knock out Common Core.

Trump wrapped up his speech with a promise to reform education, veterans' and health care. "We're going to make America greater than ever before," said Trump in closing, as he exited the stage a few minutes after 5 p.m.

[Photos: Donald Trump in Arizona - June 18, 2016]

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