Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Federal Reserve is still printing money. Driving America into deeper debt.

Federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke is now a useless tool to the American citizens because of the government hoodlums counterfeiting money. Instead of helping the legit business men and economic experts who are trying to run the Unites States economy with intelligence. The United States Federal Reserve Bank is a growing monster. Keeping track of the up and downs of our American economy is now intermingled with the federal government continually thirsty desire to keep spending more of the country's wealth. Using the power of Washington DC has become the bad news that is now the name of the driver, driving the America economical bus around our country and world today. The possibility of failure is obvious. Because a country's economy that is running on money that is simply being printed by Federal reserve chairman Ben Bernanke spending more and more money, and then still keeps printing more and more money to keep the American economy running, looks to me like nothing more then people gone crazy. What kind of an economy does that look like to you?

Please someone stop the craziness before we all become people walking around with empty pockets. No wonder that the American people feel bad watching some of the country's citizens willing to keep paying $10,000 dollars for a
ticket going to a fundraising dinner for a political presidential campaign event. It all seem so Crazy to be spending money on men spending other people money, and the other people is us. What do you think a person who is living on Social Security could do with $10,000 dollars?
Absolute power, Corrupts Absolutely.

My biggest fear now
is in the American people who are going to the polls to vote for these self serving crooks, and to vote for Obama again just like they did before. How can America have so many people like them, willing to help the same gangsters run this government corruption, Whatever their nationally or sex is?
We the people must chose wisely or suffer the consequence.

 In the world of sports

Listening to Les Miles express his thoughts about the new BCS playoff meeting between the conferences and college presidents. The interview has become very interesting to hear. Link http://espn.go.com/blog/sec/post/_/id/44919/video-lsus-les-miles  Video: LSU's Les Miles.

He ( Les Miles) needs to say that word again for some reason. Miles just had to say, quote The "want" word...Every time that I hear the LSU head football coach Les Miles use the word "want" in his discussions. I wonder why in the world don't he just use the word like. I want for him to simply use the word "like" instead. Or some of the other words that people use to express the same desire, like relish,
fancy, wish.  What is wrong with the word "like".  I don't know what to say anymore about hearing that word again. I hope I never hear that word again. ( want )


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