Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Democrat or Republican no more, because they have become toxic.


I have seen the meaning of what the definition of what Bill Clinton so famously said back in the Monica Lewinsky scandal to the special prosecutor investigators, quote. "It dependents on what the meaning of what is, is."

Now our country politic is becoming a argument of what is the meaning of the popular progressive movement is. The argument of what does the recent definition of the democratic progressive party's meaning is, and has it become toxic to the American people economical and moral health. Compared to the Republican party democratic light progressive way of Government. And the newly Tea Party movement of trying to guide the country politic back into a more United States traditional Constitutional balanced.

The Tea Party people want the politicians to do the job of running the United States Government right. Going back to the Constitution of the United States, the balance between the three branches of the U.S. Government. And to turn lose all forms of corruption in today Federal and State Government

The people in the Tea party are called crazy people, fantastic, by the Northeastern Ivy league wise guys elite. Just because the Tea Party people want their countryman leaders to do the job of running the United States government right, meaning lawfully, without corruption.

The proud establishment Republican also known as ( democrat light progressive ) like John McCain, has called the U.S. Senate Tea Party leader Ted Cruz, a looney bird.

How do you like those apples America?

Meanwhile as the argument get more heated the secretly run department of the United States Government has the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank printing more and more new money every time the present United States Government need it.

The Democratic party is doubling down on their progressive ideas, creating more Government programs to help the American peoples population to have more U.S. Government money to help the middle class live better.

The establishment Republicans Party's ideas, or light progressives programs, are also doing what the democrats party want. Only to hear them talk to make sure that the Republican party's programs are paid for by ether more revenue that can bring more Government taxes, or from the savings that they can recover from the government waste, or some such bull talk.

The establishment Republicans are arguing with the Tea Party people over the fact that they still have conservative values, even if the Tea Party people think that they are not conservative enough.

The Tea Party are conservative minded people who want to stay faithful to less Government and conservative idea's. Without turning a blind eye to the corruption in today's American Government. No more progressive light democratic bull talk, and no more fooling around with what is the definition of what the conservative people meaning is.

To stop the Federal Reserve Bank from printing more money and to start buying back a lot of the trillion dollar dept the corrupt American politician have been stealing. To put the guilty in jail whoever they are. And to start over if need be.

Re-establish our religious values and our faith in each other, and to not do anymore harm to this country's children economy. To make our Public School a true School again, and not a propaganda tool of the Northeastern Ivy league wise guys, who have just about done everything wrong.

Because the wise guys Ivy league progressive proof was indeed in the American Public School desecration pudding - for real, and that the Northeastern Ivy league democratic bull talk is falling on dead ears.

I went back to study just when the progressive era first started to get into the United States Government politic. And I noticed that because of the American Industrial age in the early nineteen hundreds, a need to regulate the sweat houses became apparent. Children were working along with grown men, and women, in the factory all across America. So the beginning of the progressive feeling from Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson became popular enough to become feasible in the American people Washington DC federal government.



"Like Roosevelt before him, Woodrow Wilson regarded himself as the personal representative of the people. "No one but the President," he said, "seems to be expected ... to look out for the general interests of the country." He developed a program of progressive reform and asserted international leadership in building a new world order. In 1917 he proclaimed American entrance into World War I a crusade to make the world "safe for democracy."

Changes in liberalism in the United States

The New Deal

"President Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882 – 1945), came to office in 1933 amid the economic calamity of the Great Depression, offering the nation a New Deal intended to alleviate economic want and joblessness, provide greater opportunities, and restore prosperity. His presidency from 1933 to 1945, the longest in U.S. history, was marked by an increased role for the Federal government in addressing the nation's economic and other problems. Work relief programs provided jobs, ambitious projects such as the Tennessee Valley Authority were created to promote economic development, and a Social security system was established.read more...http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberalism_in_the_United_States"

Liberalism in the United States

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This article discusses the history and development of various notions of liberalism in the United States. For the ideology normally identified in the United States today as "liberalism", see Modern liberalism in the United States.
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Now we can see the last vestige of the blue blood Ivy league wise guys, who kept pushing this toxic poison into the American people society. Even in the face of certain destruction of the American people economy and moral health.

I think we are seeing the last argument of the dieing foolishness from the Northeastern Ivy league wise guys who have been wrong about everything that they did to the American people Government.

They tried my hook or crook to make their progressive way of thinking work in the American people U.S. Government.

Experimenting, pushing and pulling, their bull talk progressive ideas throughout the land, and still it never worked even in spite of all the corruption that they were willing to use.

Just take a good look at this mess, the progressive have failed.
They are now slowly sinking into the manure that they so wanted to wipe on the American people way of life.

Goodbye Ivy, you were dead wrong.

New York Times

The Sunday Review


The New Progressive Movement

Kent Porter/The Press Democrat, via Associated Press
Protesters severely disrupted operations at the Port of Oakland, Calif., earlier this month.
Published: November 12, 2011
OCCUPY WALL STREET and its allied movements around the country are more than a walk in the park. They are most likely the start of a new era in America. Historians have noted that American politics moves in long swings. We are at the end of the 30-year Reagan era, a period that has culminated in soaring income for the top 1 percent and crushing unemployment or income stagnation for much of the rest. The overarching challenge of the coming years is to restore prosperity and power for the 99 percent.


Thirty years ago, a newly elected Ronald Reagan made a fateful judgment: “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem.” Taxes for the rich were slashed, as were outlays on public services and investments as a share of national income. Only the military and a few big transfer programs like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and veterans’ benefits were exempted from the squeeze.

Reagan’s was a fateful misdiagnosis. He completely overlooked the real issue — the rise of global competition in the information age — and fought a bogeyman, the government. Decades on, America pays the price of that misdiagnosis, with a nation singularly unprepared to face the global economic, energy and environmental challenges of our time.

Washington still channels Reaganomics. The federal budget for nonsecurity discretionary outlays — categories like highways and rail, education, job training, research and development, the judiciary, NASA, environmental protection, energy, the I.R.S. and more — was cut from more than 5 percent of gross domestic product at the end of the 1970s to around half of that today. With the budget caps enacted in the August agreement, domestic discretionary spending would decline to less than 2 percent of G.D.P. by the end of the decade, according to the White House. Government would die by fiscal asphyxiation.

Both parties have joined in crippling the government in response to the demands of their wealthy campaign contributors, who above all else insist on keeping low tax rates on capital gains, top incomes, estates and corporate profits. Corporate taxes as a share of national income are at the lowest levels in recent history. Rich households take home the greatest share of income since the Great Depression. Twice before in American history, powerful corporate interests dominated Washington and brought America to a state of unacceptable inequality, instability and corruption. Both times a social and political movement arose to restore democracy and shared prosperity.

Read more...http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/13/opinion/sunday/the-new-progressive-movement.html?_r=0

Did you read that foolish New York Times opinion prattle about the new Progressive movement. As this country keeps losing control of the United States currency more and more. The dollar has become inflated each and every year since the big Government progressive movement first went into affect all the way up until now. Do I really need to say anything more, get out of here?
They are just Whistling Dixie past the graveyard now.


12 players last year, and 6 more so far to the NFL draft. That the LSU tiger football program has been depleted down into a also ran college football team, from a once paternal college football power, because of the NFL draft.

LSU has lost so many experience excellent football player to the NFL in the past two years. That anyone should think that LSU will be a championship quality football program in the near future, will just be whistling Dixie past the graveyard.

Source: LSU loses 2 receivers to NFL

Updated: January 5, 2014, 11:16 PM ET
By David Ching | ESPN.com
Zach Mettenberger 63-yd TD Pass
Zach Mettenberger pass complete to Odell Beckham for 63 yards for a TOUCHDOWN.

Jeremy Hill leaving LSU early

Updated: January 13, 2014, 11:48 AM ET
By David Ching | ESPN.com

BATON ROUGE, La. -- LSU Tigers running back Jeremy Hill announced Monday that he intends to enter the NFL draft, contradicting recent reports that he would return for his junior season.

"I am a Tiger for life. I will forever be grateful to my LSU fans, friends, coaches and family. This decision has been very difficult for me," Hill posted on his Twitter account before announcing his decision in the following tweet.
Jeremy Hill @JeremyHill33 Follow
With all of that being said, I have decided to forego my Junior season and enter the 2014 NFL Draft.

Hill joins underclassmen teammates Ego Ferguson, Anthony Johnson, Jarvis Landry and Odell Beckham in the draft pool, a year after the Tigers lost 11 players to early entry. With Wednesday's early entry deadline looming, LSU offensive linemen La'El Collins and Trai Turner have yet to officially reveal their draft decisions.

A draft-eligible sophomore, Hill rushed for 1,401 yards and 16 touchdowns in 2013 -- a total that ranked second in the SEC and second all time at LSU. He rushed for a career-high 216 yards and two touchdowns in LSU's season-ending Outback Bowl win against Iowa.

Hill's strong season began in earnest after a judge ruled in August that he would not serve jail time on a probation violation. Hill had been suspended from the team, but LSU coach Les Miles allowed Hill to rejoin the Tigers after Hill met with with teammates and they voted to allow him back.

His departure creates an opportunity for Leonard Fournette, ESPN's No. 1 overall prospect who recently committed to the Tigers, to compete with Terrence Magee (626 yards, 8 TDs in 2013) for a starting job this fall.


  • Thomas Williams · Top Commenter ·
    The pro draft is deleting all of the experience good college football players in college football. The college football fans are now starting to pay a lot of money to watch a less skillful college football player. Takes the wind out of your favorite college football teams sails if you ask me.
    Reply · Like ·

  • Elijah Weaver · Top Commenter · Saint Petersburg, Florida
    Wow. So much talent leaving early in the SEC. Will be interesting who emerges as contenders next season.
    Reply · Like ·

  • Focr Tallentire · Top Commenter
    Another SEC draft party it appears
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  • Brian DeNoble · Top Commenter · Sr. Manager Regional Sales at Dell
    Did the team vote on whether or not he should be allowed to leave?
    Reply · Like · 
LSU Football

Member since Aug 2013
9 posts

Glenn Guilbeau & other reporters CREDIBILITY?  (Posted on 1/13/14 at 10:35 am)

These guys are so desperate for hits on a story... its pathetic. Lol. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but they got me on this whole Jeremy Hill staying thing. Like an idiot, I was actually getting my hopes up only to be let down.
Before the "reports" hit I figured he had to go. Glad for him. Hope he gets to a great team! Geaux Tigers!
bayou gauche
Member since Dec 2013
69 posts
Losing players to draft...  (Posted on 1/13/14 at 11:24 am)

I understand these kids all make decisions that are best for their particular situations, but it seems that at LSU, its the trendy thing to do. Some schools do a better job at keeping kids then others. But doesn't it seem that college football is being watered down like college basketball? Kentucky bb signs the best class every year, they all play one year and are off to the Draft. We are losing half our team every year, so will we ever achieve any stability?

Lsu Tigers - Lightning Crashes


3-point stance: Petrino's do-over

January, 13, 2014
By Ivan Maisel | ESPN.com
1. Louisville coach Bobby Petrino told Mike and Mike on ESPN Radio last week that he never should have left the university. Since he went to work at Louisville the first time, Petrino almost went to Auburn, then went to the Atlanta Falcons (a disaster), Arkansas (ended in disaster) and Western Kentucky. Petrino isn’t the only one to realize what he once had is worth having again. UMass rehired Mark Whipple, the coach who took the Minutemen to the 1998 FCS championship.

2. James Franklin, speaking at his introductory press conference Saturday at Penn State, made a point of acknowledging “the great Joe Paterno.” He also thanked Joe’s widow, Sue. All of which served as a cleansing wind after the last two years, up to and including Bill O’Brien’s exit rant. Joe Paterno wasn’t perfect. He would be the first to say so. But he didn’t deserve the blame shoveled on his grave. Here’s hoping Franklin kickstarted a belated recognition that Paterno never stopped being great.

3. No one at Stanford believes two-time All-America guard David Yankey will return to the Farm for a fifth year. Yankey is on track to graduate this spring and is expected to go in the second round. The jury is still out on Yankey’s classmate, three-year starting tackle Cameron Fleming. The aeronautics and astronautics major is leaning toward coming out. Another year of experience would push Fleming up the draft ladder. Over a career, it could mean a lot more money. But it’s tough to argue with a dream.

Thomas Williams · Top Commenter ·
"But he didn’t deserve the blame shoveled on his grave." Wow! James Franklin is going to fit quit well into the Happy Vally Northeastern Ivy league progressive bull talk. Coach Joe Paterno had nothing at all to do with the desecration of the underprivileged children that was molested there' - in the Penn State football programs showers. So that is what Mr. James Franklin really thinks about that hideous crime that happened because of the Joe Paterno defensive coach Sandusky, years of abusing children. Poor Joe, we knew him well.
David Cross · State College, Pennsylvania
See comment above
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David Cross · State College, Pennsylvania
Thomas Williams coach Franklin wasn't the one who said he didn't deserve the blame shoveled on his grave, that was the person writing the article.
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Thomas Williams · Top Commenter ·
Yes! You are right I made a mistake. It was the writer instead "Ivan Maisel," I should have paid better attention, of course it was the sports writer. I apologizes to Mr. Franklin.

Lsu Tigers - Inception


LSU Football - Geaux Tigers!!!
Monday, January 13, 2014
The Advocate Jeremy Hill to forgo junior season, will enter draft
Tiger Rag Recruiting can often be a tricky business
The Advocate Notes: Ben Wilkerson interviews for LSU’s O-Line opening
Sports Business Daily SEC Network's cost will top that of other college nets
Macon Telegraph DC Grantham's uneasy marriage with Georgia ends
The Tennessean *1 Analyst: James Franklin trying to destroy Vanderbilt recruiting class
The Oklahoman Fans get social with recruits | NCAA can't stop overzealous fans from tweeting


MULE: Recruiting can often be a tricky business
1/13/2014 8:58:34 AM

Tiger Rag Featured Columnist

There was just 6:14 to play in the 80th Sugar Bowl when Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron found a receiver in an open space of the Oklahoma secondary.

Wheeling toward the end zone, then streaking 61 yards into it, closing the Crimson Tide's gap to 38-31, was Derrick Henry.


Derrick Henry.

"There goes the Leonard Fournette of 2011,'' a voice in the press box said.

Coming as it did just hours after Fournette, said to be the No. 1 high school football prospect in America, announced his intention to play his college ball at LSU, the words had meaning. Here was a kid who was red-shirted as a freshman last season, had fewer than 30 carries in the 13 games Alabama played this season, and whose name wasn't even listed next to his No. 27 on the roster. That all speaks volumes of how much Bama coach Nick Saban was counting on him.

Yet, had the Tide been able to pull out its 45-31 setback to the Sooners – and remember Bama had 516 total yards, 87 more than OU – its very likely Henry would have been the game's MVP. He was the leading rusher in the Sugar Bowl with 100 yards in eight carries (a 12.4 average) with one touchdown, and also caught the 61-yard touchdown pass.

Here's the rub: It took the better part of two seasons for Henry to truly crack Nick Saban's lineup – and Henry – like Fournette this year – was the hotshot everybody was lusting after in 2011.

Here's a quick comparison:  The 6-foot-1, 226-pound Fournette has rushed for 5,036 yards in a sterling prep career at St. Augustine High in New Orleans. The 6-foot-3, 242-pound Henry rushed for an astounding 11,610 career yards at Yulee, Fla., High School.
The point is, with all those credentials, until the Sugar Bowl Henry hasn't been a factor in the fortunes of the Crimson Tide.
And, despite all the heavy breathing from the LSU fandom, there's no guarantee Fournette will make an immediate impact either. Recruiting is an inexact science. In fact, there should be a realization that if Fournette comes close to the contributions of Jeremy Hill, who has been kind of an afterthought among Tiger fans, then he will be a major success.
And I think we'll get to compare the recruiting prizes of 2011 and 2013 against each other for at least the next couple of seasons.

Recruiting is nothing if not really a guessing game. It's done by trained observers, but a guessing game nevertheless.
Don't even look at the prep prizes LSU has recruited through the years that turned out to be duds. Look at the afterthoughts that turned out to be all-time Tiger greats.
Johnny Robinson was one of the Tigers' best, teaming in the backfield with Billy Cannon, then becoming one of the finest pro players LSU ever produced. His coach Paul Dietzel would later say at another school Robinson might have been a serious contender for the Heisman Trophy Cannon won in 1959. But he was not heavily recruited, and Robinson said he thought he was given one Dietzel's last scholarships because his father was the tennis coach at LSU.
Jerry Stovall was recruited by just three programs, Louisiana Tech, Tulane and LSU. He left LSU as a two-time All-American halfback and the runner-up for the 1962 Heisman. 
Tommy Casanova was also recruited by just three schools, Louisiana-Lafayette, Tulane and LSU. Playing primarily in the secondary he left as LSU's only three-time American.
Charles Alexander was lightly recruited but left LSU as the SEC's first 4,000-yard rusher .      
The point is, no one can completely judge the grit, determination, maturation  – and heart – of any teen-ager.
A lot of people have tried and been fooled.
In recruiting there are just no guarantees.

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