“Addicted to Insight” is a term that describes people who seemingly get “high” on learning and discovering. They are driven to understand how things work and ...
Not so in today's American society because the American culture has gone to pot, soundbite entertainment, bull talk, and bull walk with sex.
Not so in today's American society because the American culture has gone to pot, soundbite entertainment, bull talk, and bull walk with sex.
Did you genuflect to the nearest gay person today?
Hell! We could join them ( progressive
political movement ) and turn on the videos of stupid behavior to laugh
at computer internet site, and spend the rest of the day listening to
president Barack Obama spread the wealth with his progressive constituents voting block.
And Obama further charge that the Tea
Party American people are just racist because he is a black man. He
presently said that he has dipped in the latest American popularity
polls because he is a black man. Do you think that he is trying to
recall black America to his side with that racism charge?
Because we all know that it is always someone else fault. That president Barack Obama is falling short of his job title responsibility. It's the racist Tea Party fault instead.
The IRS harassing American citizens, Benghazi Libya tragedy, ect, had nothing to do with his declining poll numbers, right.
No! it was his color.
Because we all know that it is always someone else fault. That president Barack Obama is falling short of his job title responsibility. It's the racist Tea Party fault instead.
The IRS harassing American citizens, Benghazi Libya tragedy, ect, had nothing to do with his declining poll numbers, right.
No! it was his color.
puppet ivy league progressive television show was not the problem
either. It was the race discrimination Tea Party white American
That recharged dirty cheep
politicization of our America society problems by calling white American
people ugly names, like racist. Is just a sick worn out progressive
ripoff, and I am truly tired of that bull talk for real guys.
Don't pay any attention to the people working on the
American economy grindstone because those jerks call himself the Tea
Party people, whatever that mean, right?
What is Miley Cyrus doing lately, or how about the propaganda TV networks?
No wonder that the American Jazz age took off like a shot in the roaring 1920s. After listening to president Woodrow Wilson progressive list of mortality and rules, that generation rejected Woodrow Wilson progressive bull talk and simple started doing what comes natural..Hello Dolly! v=PVHkOzVggtI
Obama blames low approval numbers on racism
- Human Events -There can't be any logical reason for people to disapprove of his ... because they don't like the idea of a black President,” Obama said. ... to make his poll numbers fall of a cliff – are incapable of overcoming ... I guess it's really out of line for us to see Barack Obama as a “power-hungry guy,” just because he ...
Obama: Al Qaeda 'Jayvee'
Compares al Qaeda to junior varsity team putting on Lakers jerseys: "That doesn't make them Kobe Bryant."
In his New Yorker interview
published over the weekend, President Obama stated that current Al
Qaeda was “jayvee” – and said that his analogy was often used around the
White House. “The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is
accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make
them Kobe Bryant,” Obama said. He then added, “I think there is a
distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network
that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland
versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and
disputes, often sectarian.”
Attempting to respond to the growing power of Al Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula, including the takeover of the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Obama said that Al Qaeda’s activities didn’t always threaten American interests: “how we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn’t lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology are a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into.”
CNN reported last week that “al Qaeda appears to control more territory in the Arab world than it has done at any time in its history.”
During the 2012 campaign, the Obama administration routinely stated that al Qaeda was on the run.
-------------------Attempting to respond to the growing power of Al Qaeda in the Arabian peninsula, including the takeover of the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Obama said that Al Qaeda’s activities didn’t always threaten American interests: “how we think about terrorism has to be defined and specific enough that it doesn’t lead us to think that any horrible actions that take place around the world that are motivated in part by an extremist Islamic ideology are a direct threat to us or something that we have to wade into.”
CNN reported last week that “al Qaeda appears to control more territory in the Arab world than it has done at any time in its history.”
During the 2012 campaign, the Obama administration routinely stated that al Qaeda was on the run.
January 15, 2014
I agree with MSNBC. I find it hard to believe that Gov. Chris
Christie knew nothing about his staff's plotting a massive traffic jam
on the ramp to the George Washington Bridge for political retribution.
On the other hand, I also find it hard to believe that Obama didn't know his own IRS was auditing his political enemies.
And I find it hard to believe that Obama didn't know you wouldn't be able to keep your doctor under Obamacare.
But most of all, I find it hard to believe that MSNBC host Al Sharpton didn't know Tawana Brawley was lying when she claimed to have been gang-raped by rogue cops on the Wappingers Falls, N.Y., police force.
Back in November 1987, 15-year-old Tawana Brawley was found curled up inside a plastic bag in an apartment building parking lot. She had feces and racist graffiti all over her body, her clothing was torn and burned, and she was apparently unconscious.
When she emerged from her (fake) unconsciousness, she claimed she had been held captive in the woods for several days, while being raped and beaten by six white men, including policemen and the local prosecutor.
The story being utterly preposterous, every law enforcement agency in the universe was called in to investigate -- the FBI, local, county and state police. Gov. Mario Cuomo directed the state attorney general, Robert Abrams, to investigate Brawley's claims.
MSNBC's Al Sharpton was one of Brawley's "advisers" throughout this massively expensive investigation, along with lawyers Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason -- both later disbarred.
Eight months and 1.3 million taxpayer dollars later (in today's dollars), the purported attack was exposed as a complete fraud. It turned out that Brawley made up the gang-rape story to avoid explaining to her volatile stepfather why she hadn't come home for four nights straight.
Among other findings, the grand jury's 170-page report noted these facts: Read More »
Morgan Freeman: Obama Made Racism Worse, Tea Party Will Do 'Whatever [It] Can To Get This Black Man Outta Here'
By Noel Sheppard | September 23, 2011 | 12:23 |
Morgan Freeman, in an interview to be aired on CNN Friday evening, says that President Obama has made racism worse in America.
Chatting with Piers Morgan, the Oscar-winning actor also blames the Tea Party saying they're "going to do whatever [they] can to get this black man outta here” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Chatting with Piers Morgan, the Oscar-winning actor also blames the Tea Party saying they're "going to do whatever [they] can to get this black man outta here” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
PIERS MORGAN, HOST: Has Obama helped the process of eradicating racism, or has it in a strange way made it worse.
MORGAN FREEMAN: Made it worse. Made it worse. Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party, stated, and what’s this guy’s name, Mitch O’Connell. Is that his, O’Connell?
MORGAN: Yeah, Mitch McConnell, yeah.
FREEMAN: Mitch McConnell. Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? “Screw the country. We’re going to whatever we do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.”
MORGAN: But is that necessarily a racist thing?
FREEMAN: It is a racist thing.
MORGAN: Is it not Republicans, wouldn’t that say that about any Democrat president?
FREEMAN: No, they would have gotten rid of Bill Clinton if they could have.
MORGAN: They tried.
FREEMAN: They did try, but still. I don’t, they’re not going to get rid of Obama either. I think they’re shooting themselves in the head.
MORGAN: Does it unnerve you that the Tea Party are gaining such traction?
Well, it just shows the weak, dark, underside of America. We’re
supposed to be better than that. We really are.
That’s, that’s why all those people were in tears when Obama was elected president. “Ah, look at what we are. Look at how, this is America.” You know? And then it just sort of started turning because these people surfaced like stirring up muddy water.
Is that what it shows, or does it show that people - not just those in the Tea Party - have lost faith in this President?
Obama's poll numbers continue to sink. This includes amongst reliably Democratic supporters such as Jews and African-Americans?
Have Jews and African-Americans suddenly become black haters?
The reality is that more and more people - even some in the media, perish the thought - are coming to the conclusion that Barack Obama was totally unqualified for the job as president, and that his performance in the past 32 months proves it.
What folks like Freeman don't get is that there's nothing racist about such feelings, and to make such an accusation is, well, racist.
Unfortunately, such accusations are destined to get louder and more frequent as we near Election Day and the chances for a second Obama victory based on nothing but hope, change, and ether continue to diminish.
Then folks like Freeman will really be shouting "racism."
So much for the election of the first black president bringing our nation together.
And on this I agree with Freeman: Obama has made racism worse.
*****Update: GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain responded to Freeman's claims after his victory in Saturday's Florida straw poll.
Like this post? Consider helping us out with a donation to keep us primed to fight the liberal media and out-of-control leftist celebrities like Morgan Freeman. Click here to contribute.
Read more: noel-sheppard/2011/09/23/ morgan-freeman-obama-has-made- racism-worse-tea-party-will- do-whatever#ixzz2qyVp6eB1
------------------------------ -- politics/2014/01/20/governor- andrew-cuomo-pro-life-people- not-welcome-in-new-york/
CUOMO: Pro-lifers not welcome in NY...
------------------------------ -- stories/2014/01/19/what-an- officer-does-after-seeing-a- kid-playing-ball-has-sent-the- dash-cam-video-viral/
------------------- stories/2014/01/19/iran-is- cultivating-closer-ties-with- anti-american-countries-in- our-hemisphere/
------------------- hillicon-valley/technology/ 195899-feinstein-metadata- program-here-to-stay
Feinstein: Get used to database...
------------------- iran-2-to-3-weeks-from- nuclear-bomb/
Iran '2 to 3 weeks' from nuclear bomb...
MORGAN FREEMAN: Made it worse. Made it worse. Look at, look, the Tea Partiers, who are controlling the Republican Party, stated, and what’s this guy’s name, Mitch O’Connell. Is that his, O’Connell?
MORGAN: Yeah, Mitch McConnell, yeah.
FREEMAN: Mitch McConnell. Their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What’s, what does that, what underlines that? “Screw the country. We’re going to whatever we do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.”
MORGAN: But is that necessarily a racist thing?
FREEMAN: It is a racist thing.
MORGAN: Is it not Republicans, wouldn’t that say that about any Democrat president?
FREEMAN: No, they would have gotten rid of Bill Clinton if they could have.
MORGAN: They tried.
FREEMAN: They did try, but still. I don’t, they’re not going to get rid of Obama either. I think they’re shooting themselves in the head.
MORGAN: Does it unnerve you that the Tea Party are gaining such traction?
That’s, that’s why all those people were in tears when Obama was elected president. “Ah, look at what we are. Look at how, this is America.” You know? And then it just sort of started turning because these people surfaced like stirring up muddy water.
Is that what it shows, or does it show that people - not just those in the Tea Party - have lost faith in this President?
Obama's poll numbers continue to sink. This includes amongst reliably Democratic supporters such as Jews and African-Americans?
Have Jews and African-Americans suddenly become black haters?
The reality is that more and more people - even some in the media, perish the thought - are coming to the conclusion that Barack Obama was totally unqualified for the job as president, and that his performance in the past 32 months proves it.
What folks like Freeman don't get is that there's nothing racist about such feelings, and to make such an accusation is, well, racist.
Unfortunately, such accusations are destined to get louder and more frequent as we near Election Day and the chances for a second Obama victory based on nothing but hope, change, and ether continue to diminish.
Then folks like Freeman will really be shouting "racism."
So much for the election of the first black president bringing our nation together.
And on this I agree with Freeman: Obama has made racism worse.
*****Update: GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain responded to Freeman's claims after his victory in Saturday's Florida straw poll.
Like this post? Consider helping us out with a donation to keep us primed to fight the liberal media and out-of-control leftist celebrities like Morgan Freeman. Click here to contribute.
About the Author
Noel Sheppard is the Associate Editor of NewsBusters. Click here to follow Noel Sheppard on Twitter.Read more:
CUOMO: Pro-lifers not welcome in NY...
Feinstein: Get used to database...
Iran '2 to 3 weeks' from nuclear bomb...
------------------- engster-statistically- speaking---dorothy-faye- mcclendon-was-able-partner-of- charlie-mac
LSU lost one of the grand ladies of college football last week. Dorothy Faye McClendon died at age 85 on January 14th. Dorothy Faye lived most of her life at 5930 Menlo Drive in Baton Rouge and reigned as First Lady of LSU football for 18 years. Before the era of the imperial coach, it was common for head coaches to have their addresses and telephone numbers listed in phone directories.
It was Dorothy Faye who usually calmed the angry masses who dialed in or drove by the McClendon residence to voice their displeasure.
Posted by:
Jim Engster
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ENGSTER: Statistically Speaking - Dorothy Faye McClendon was able partner of Charlie Mac
1/20/2014 7:39:37 AM
Tiger Rag Featured Columnist
Tiger Rag Featured Columnist
LSU lost one of the grand ladies of college football last week. Dorothy Faye McClendon died at age 85 on January 14th. Dorothy Faye lived most of her life at 5930 Menlo Drive in Baton Rouge and reigned as First Lady of LSU football for 18 years. Before the era of the imperial coach, it was common for head coaches to have their addresses and telephone numbers listed in phone directories.
It was Dorothy Faye who usually calmed the angry masses who dialed in or drove by the McClendon residence to voice their displeasure.
McClendon was occasionally questioned about his recruiting skills as
head coach of the Tigers from 1962-79, but his ability to sell himself
was proved with the wife he married on December 24, 1947 when he was 24
and she was 19. Dorothy Faye was exquisitely beautiful every day of her
life and an elegant companion for her less polished husband, who logged
more than a quarter century at LSU as an assistant to Gaynell Tinsley
and Paul Dietzel and as the longest tenured leader of football fortunes
at the Ole War Skule.
Dorothy Faye started the American Football Coaches Wives Association 25 years ago, and she was the perfect example for her peers of grace under pressure. The lawn at the modest McClendon home was dotted with "Help Mac Pack” signs more than once. Charlie Mac mused that when the time came to clean out at his office in Tiger Stadium, nobody was around to help him pack.
Through it all, Charles and Dorothy Faye never lost their love for LSU and returned home for their final years. Appropriately, the couple is buried near their childhood homes in southern Arkansas. Dorothy Faye lived more than 12 years after the death of her husband on Dec. 6, 2001 at 78.
During the 2012 season, Dorothy Faye was the star attraction at the Andonie Museum as former Tiger Brad Davis spoke about his years playing for Charlie Mac. The coach is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. His wife, who followed her husband from his playing days under Bear Bryant at the University of Kentucky to a one year stint as an assistant at Vanderbilt to 27 years at LSU, was a catalyst in the significant success of McClendon on the field and the vast impact of his players away from the lights of Tiger Stadium.
When SEC football mentors are measured by the number of medical doctors and other professionals produced, the McClendon’s set an exceptional standard. It is also notable how few of Mac’s players ran afoul of the law. The most infamous transgressor was Rusty Domingue, who nearly stabbed a man to death after a 6-6 tie with Nebraska on Sept. 11, 1976. McClendon kicked his star defender off the team the following day and was pleased that as an adult, Domingue turned his passions toward his faith and helping others find peace.
Five McClendon quarterbacks died tragically in Trey Prather, Butch Duhe,’ Mike Miley, Carl Otis Trimble and Pat Screen as their coach and his wife outlived enough of their former players to fill an entire roster. It is comforting to imagine a reunion of some kind as the proud and resilient grand matron of LSU rejoined her mate of nearly 54 years and many other Tigers on the other side of Death Valley.
Coaches lasting longer as compensation rises
Steve Spurrier signed a contract extension at South Carolina last week that will carry the 68-year-old ball coach through 2018 in Columbia when Spurrier will be 73 years old.
Spurrier made his SEC debut 50 years ago as a sophomore phenom at Florida where he beat LSU three times and won the Heisman in 1966. Last season, he directed his Gamecocks to a No. 4 final resting place in the last poll of the BCS era.
Spurrier will earn $4 million a year in what amounts to a bargain in today’s stratospheric salary structure for coaches. The increased level of pay has coaches striving to stay in the game as long as possible.
In 1976, Frank Broyles and Darrell Royal retired at Arkansas and Texas at ages 51 and 52, respectively. Two years earlier, Ara Parseghian called it a career at Notre Dame at 51 while Charlie McClendon was considered ancient by some when he retired at 56.
Spurrier, Gary Pinkel of Missouri, Nick Saban of Alabama and Les Miles of LSU have all crossed the 60-year barrier of life and show no signs of leaving. The compensation is just too good to pass up voluntarily and
Remembering the "highly paid” Johnny Orr
Johnny Orr was head basketball coach at the University of Michigan for a dozen seasons, and led the Wolverines to the NCAA Championship Game in 1976 where Michigan and Orr fell to fellow Big Ten member Indiana and 35-year-old Bob Knight.
Orr died in Des Moines on New Year’s Eve, and is a nearly forgotten figure of importance in the college game. He bolted Michigan for Iowa State in 1980 to become the highest compensated NCAA basketball coach in the land. His salary was boosted from $33,665 at Ann Arbor to $45,000 at Ames, Iowa.
Almost every head coach in the NCAA today earns a seven-figure annual salary and some women’s coaches are paid in the same range. It is hard for some to fathom that $45,000 was the pinnacle in 1980. Dale Brown notes that ten-time NCAA champion John Wooden never earned more than $32,500 per season coaching UCLA until 1975.
Dorothy Faye started the American Football Coaches Wives Association 25 years ago, and she was the perfect example for her peers of grace under pressure. The lawn at the modest McClendon home was dotted with "Help Mac Pack” signs more than once. Charlie Mac mused that when the time came to clean out at his office in Tiger Stadium, nobody was around to help him pack.
Through it all, Charles and Dorothy Faye never lost their love for LSU and returned home for their final years. Appropriately, the couple is buried near their childhood homes in southern Arkansas. Dorothy Faye lived more than 12 years after the death of her husband on Dec. 6, 2001 at 78.
During the 2012 season, Dorothy Faye was the star attraction at the Andonie Museum as former Tiger Brad Davis spoke about his years playing for Charlie Mac. The coach is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame. His wife, who followed her husband from his playing days under Bear Bryant at the University of Kentucky to a one year stint as an assistant at Vanderbilt to 27 years at LSU, was a catalyst in the significant success of McClendon on the field and the vast impact of his players away from the lights of Tiger Stadium.
When SEC football mentors are measured by the number of medical doctors and other professionals produced, the McClendon’s set an exceptional standard. It is also notable how few of Mac’s players ran afoul of the law. The most infamous transgressor was Rusty Domingue, who nearly stabbed a man to death after a 6-6 tie with Nebraska on Sept. 11, 1976. McClendon kicked his star defender off the team the following day and was pleased that as an adult, Domingue turned his passions toward his faith and helping others find peace.
Five McClendon quarterbacks died tragically in Trey Prather, Butch Duhe,’ Mike Miley, Carl Otis Trimble and Pat Screen as their coach and his wife outlived enough of their former players to fill an entire roster. It is comforting to imagine a reunion of some kind as the proud and resilient grand matron of LSU rejoined her mate of nearly 54 years and many other Tigers on the other side of Death Valley.
Coaches lasting longer as compensation rises
Steve Spurrier signed a contract extension at South Carolina last week that will carry the 68-year-old ball coach through 2018 in Columbia when Spurrier will be 73 years old.
Spurrier made his SEC debut 50 years ago as a sophomore phenom at Florida where he beat LSU three times and won the Heisman in 1966. Last season, he directed his Gamecocks to a No. 4 final resting place in the last poll of the BCS era.
Spurrier will earn $4 million a year in what amounts to a bargain in today’s stratospheric salary structure for coaches. The increased level of pay has coaches striving to stay in the game as long as possible.
In 1976, Frank Broyles and Darrell Royal retired at Arkansas and Texas at ages 51 and 52, respectively. Two years earlier, Ara Parseghian called it a career at Notre Dame at 51 while Charlie McClendon was considered ancient by some when he retired at 56.
Spurrier, Gary Pinkel of Missouri, Nick Saban of Alabama and Les Miles of LSU have all crossed the 60-year barrier of life and show no signs of leaving. The compensation is just too good to pass up voluntarily and
Remembering the "highly paid” Johnny Orr
Johnny Orr was head basketball coach at the University of Michigan for a dozen seasons, and led the Wolverines to the NCAA Championship Game in 1976 where Michigan and Orr fell to fellow Big Ten member Indiana and 35-year-old Bob Knight.
Orr died in Des Moines on New Year’s Eve, and is a nearly forgotten figure of importance in the college game. He bolted Michigan for Iowa State in 1980 to become the highest compensated NCAA basketball coach in the land. His salary was boosted from $33,665 at Ann Arbor to $45,000 at Ames, Iowa.
Almost every head coach in the NCAA today earns a seven-figure annual salary and some women’s coaches are paid in the same range. It is hard for some to fathom that $45,000 was the pinnacle in 1980. Dale Brown notes that ten-time NCAA champion John Wooden never earned more than $32,500 per season coaching UCLA until 1975.
LSU Football - Geaux Tigers!!!
Ross Dellenger @DellengerAdv
Ross Dellenger @DellengerAdv
In new #Rivals100 RT @Rivals: 2014 #Rivals100 Commits - #SEC
#Bama 9
#LSU 6
#UGA 5
#UT 5
#UF 4
#Auburn 2
#Arkansas 1
#SCar 1
-------------------Monday, January 20, 2014 | |
Times Picayune | LSU DT board is getting very interesting |
Geaux 247 | LSU 2014 Football recruiting visits schedule |
Tiger Rag | Dorothy Faye McClendon was able partner of Charlie Mac |
The Advocate | Baseball: Q&A with Paul Mainieri (Part 2) |
Perfect Game | Baseball: Preseason Perfect Game All-Americans - Alex Bregman, Aaron Nola |
Columbus Ledger, GA | Nick Saban aware of Tony Brown's situation |
Post & Courier, SC | Spurrier on Dylan Thompson: ‘He’s without question going to be our quarterback’ |
The Tennessean *1 | Busy Derek Mason won't confirm Vanderbilt staff hires |
Sports Illustrated | Media Circus: Replacing Brent Musburger; NFL selling new television package |
Dandy Don's LSU Sports Report
Good morning, Tiger Fans,
LSU entertained a large number of recruits over the weekend and by all reports the visits went very well. As expected, none of the targets who were visiting committed while there, but that’s not to say the weekend won’t pay big dividends.
I’ve been told that LSU made quite an impression on DL Breeland Speaks and his parents, and that LSU is very much a contender for his signature despite the fact that Speaks is currently committed to the Rebels. Speaks will visit Ole Miss and Arkansas before making his announcement on National Signing Day, and his name will be one to watch for during the Recruiting Bash. According to a tweet by Shea Dixon of 247, Duke Riley and Kendell Beckwith did a good job of recruiting Speaks during his stay in Baton Rouge.
Another big-time target on LSU’s board who visited this weekend and will be announcing on National Signing Day is Malachi Dupre, and I was told that his visit went very well. Dupre was originally scheduled to visit Alabama for the weekend, but decided to visit LSU instead and postpone his visit to Tuscaloosa. After leaving LSU, he headed to Alabama where he will visit today. I still feel very confident about Dupre being a Tiger when it’s said and done.
As for the players already committed to LSU who were visiting, I learned that Trey Quinn had an “incredible” visit and enjoyed getting to know all of the coaches on a much more personal level, and that Garrett Brumfield and William Clapp enjoyed getting to know their new position coach, Jeff Grimes. There’s still been no word on when LSU will officially announce the hiring of Grimes as Offensive Line Coach.
With only 15 days until National Signing Day, and seven vacant spots in LSU’s recruiting class, the next three weeks should be a lot of fun. LSU is expected to entertain an even larger group of targets this coming weekend, including DT Travonte Valentine of Hialeah, FL, OT Derrick Kelly of Havana, FL, and five-star DE Malik McDowell of Southfield, IL, as well as several players already committed to LSU. Later this week we’ll take a closer look at some of the remaining prospects on LSU’s board.
One more thing about football before moving on: I want to thank all of you who sent positive feedback on the Way Too Early 2014 LSU Football Projected Depth Chart I posted yesterday. Glad you enjoyed it. Seeing all the talent that LSU returns and has coming in, organized by position, gave a lot of you optimism for 2014, and I feel the same way.
LSU entertained a large number of recruits over the weekend and by all reports the visits went very well. As expected, none of the targets who were visiting committed while there, but that’s not to say the weekend won’t pay big dividends.
I’ve been told that LSU made quite an impression on DL Breeland Speaks and his parents, and that LSU is very much a contender for his signature despite the fact that Speaks is currently committed to the Rebels. Speaks will visit Ole Miss and Arkansas before making his announcement on National Signing Day, and his name will be one to watch for during the Recruiting Bash. According to a tweet by Shea Dixon of 247, Duke Riley and Kendell Beckwith did a good job of recruiting Speaks during his stay in Baton Rouge.
Another big-time target on LSU’s board who visited this weekend and will be announcing on National Signing Day is Malachi Dupre, and I was told that his visit went very well. Dupre was originally scheduled to visit Alabama for the weekend, but decided to visit LSU instead and postpone his visit to Tuscaloosa. After leaving LSU, he headed to Alabama where he will visit today. I still feel very confident about Dupre being a Tiger when it’s said and done.
As for the players already committed to LSU who were visiting, I learned that Trey Quinn had an “incredible” visit and enjoyed getting to know all of the coaches on a much more personal level, and that Garrett Brumfield and William Clapp enjoyed getting to know their new position coach, Jeff Grimes. There’s still been no word on when LSU will officially announce the hiring of Grimes as Offensive Line Coach.
With only 15 days until National Signing Day, and seven vacant spots in LSU’s recruiting class, the next three weeks should be a lot of fun. LSU is expected to entertain an even larger group of targets this coming weekend, including DT Travonte Valentine of Hialeah, FL, OT Derrick Kelly of Havana, FL, and five-star DE Malik McDowell of Southfield, IL, as well as several players already committed to LSU. Later this week we’ll take a closer look at some of the remaining prospects on LSU’s board.
One more thing about football before moving on: I want to thank all of you who sent positive feedback on the Way Too Early 2014 LSU Football Projected Depth Chart I posted yesterday. Glad you enjoyed it. Seeing all the talent that LSU returns and has coming in, organized by position, gave a lot of you optimism for 2014, and I feel the same way.
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