Thursday, February 27, 2014

Building a better country together

What can people accomplish together to advance humankind lot in life, working in agreement to achieve our ambitious goals that we pursue.
So it is very important that we elect a person who can bring us together helping us to keep pulling in the same direction. What matters first than is to be very clear about what we want to do together? Solving our problems one after the other until we build the world we want to live and work in.
 "It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit." ~
Harry S. Truman
So the thing that keep harming our American society is the house divided reality's of the different interest groups arguing about what they really want to happen.
Charles Krauthammer was right in saying that the American people needs to get their politics right first.
Believe me that was a mouth full for the American people to get their politics right.
"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Abraham Lincoln
Hell it is simply common sense to realize that it is better to work together pulling in the same direction. But there in is the rub. The American people government and society, culture, is a total mess.

Using discrimination as a tool to get elected as a political leader by patronizing minorities with emotional addiction talking points adding to the minorities conditioned race addiction. The discrimination tool has been working in the American people politics now for the past fifty years. And the politicians using it just keeps giving their voting block the ability to falsely accuse everyone who is Christin and white as hate criminals towards Homosexuals, Mexicans, and black Americans. Bring us all into a truly amazing time in America politics.

I know that the United States need a president who can bring the American people together, but that is not going to happen. Because the special interest running Washington DC don't really want it too.

It has become shocking to me that the discrimination conservation has gone this far. To the point of hurting a truly great nation. A nation full of Christians who believe in tolerance and forgiveness. Now the American people are getting lead around my people who are showing a lot of sympathy towards the Muslims, and is also getting twisted around by a bunch of atheist who don't believe in anything that are trying to make everything equal.

I think that the people running Washington DC today are really crazy if they think that the rest of our world population is going to start believing that same sex marriage is equal to the marriage of a man and woman. The only thing standing in-between the homosexuals and the deep blue sea is the Christians who they so much are arguing against. Believe me when I tell you that the LGB gay community really don’t want the Muslims to get a real footing into the Unites States government. Because they will be walked out into the sand and killed, without a further thought.

We are told that the Christian people in America are crazy because they believe in the Bible. When in reality the people now running Washington DC is worse and are fighting against the very people who are willing to live and die for their country, right or wrong. The false misguided beliefs of the gay LGB community against the Christian people living in America. Are in fact worse than the Christians. And they better wake up for their own good before it become too late?
I don't believe him:


Bill O' Reilly has diminished himself in my eyes as he tried to become apart of the really big Television show that the American people are complaining about for such a very long time now.

In his zest to get the inside interviews of all the presidents men O' Reilly becomes no better a person than the rest. That has hurt the American people standard of life.

The entertainment show of crony capitalism has only served to worsen the culture that the American people are still hoping to improve. Bill O' Reilly is just apart of the problem now instead of one of the good guys.

They have their and we the American people get used by them.

Whatever the disguise the results remain the same, the United States TV news media is playing a corruption hand and glove game with the U.S. Government political deceivers.

Shame on you Bill O' Reilly, I once though better of you.

Why I went to the White House  


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