Sunday, February 8, 2015

Barack Obama Morning Prayer meeting speech was breathtaking.


It is breathtaking that President Barack Obama said the crusaders had a big time fight with the Muslim people 800 years ago and we should not get up on our high horse now over the Islamic militant terrorist burning a Jordan air force pilot alive on TV...."We should not get up on our high horse…We the American People should not get up on our high horse."
God bless America!
That is Amazing to listen to in the face of that horror of seeing a man burning alive on television all over the world. What kind of a mind would come up with that kind of compression, and feel the need to compare that cruel nasty deliberate videoed way to kill a man.

I think that Barack Obama is a weak person who is afraid to take a stance for all the Christian and Jewish people everywhere because he simply must not care about what happening to them.
And I further feel very embarrassed that he was freely voted into the office as President of the United States by so many American people here in the United States. Why is it so hard for Barack Obama to understand that Iran is out to get the American people, after they destroy all the Jews? That Barack Obama seem to be lying all the time about everything.

Israel Benjamin Netanyahu said that Iran's Government wants to destroy big and little Satan and that Barack Obama Presidential excuses is only helping them to that end.

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Posted by Jim Hoft on Sunday, February 8, 2015, 9:02 AM

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