Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Liberals on the move to nowhere.


The liberal press is trying hard to go on like nothing much is changing around them and that they are a part of the in crown moving the United States levers of power. Because as the liberal laws that are now allowing same sex marriage, legalizing marijuana, and allowing illegal south American to become a small army's voting Democratic. The liberal media are talking and acting like that they have it made when of course they are slowly and surly accumulating more and more enemies instead. People who are nothing like them at all and who really do believe in right from wrong of the good and bad in the people who even believe in God most of the time.
The American liberal press is nothing more than a 2015 aristocracy that is very much out of touch with real time society and are simply putting on a Show for the Show sake. And in time will experience a very rude awakening from the zeal to be liberal that has made them blinded. And that the liberal media seem to be people walking on the edge of a steep cliff ignoring all of the real life other people around them. 

Where in the past history of humankind's has the integration of many races, and religions, mixed with atheist in a secular soup of people living in the same country working behind the same borders, living in obedience and contentment. No! You can't show me one country that liberal integration has not destroyed the place. Because of course in the passing of time Mother Nature always wins. Different races and religions who are not inseminate into the same direction in values and purpose become a house divided and will of course fall, and fail.
Everywhere that I have study all of the countries who have integrated without inseminating race, religions, regions, into their nations identity has dissipated energy and finally disappeared. Except one, the United States of America United States Constitution that is still a baby in arms compared to the thousands of years that has truly changed the other world countries into what they are today.
So don't walk and talk so smugly Mr. Liberal media because People who pretend to be something that they are not, has no country.

Justice Thomas objects to court's signal on gay marriage

Feb 9, 2:58 PM (ET)


WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is inappropriately signaling it intends to clear the way for gay marriage across the nation, Justice Clarence Thomas complained Monday in a stinging dissent to the court's refusal to block the start of same-sex marriages in Alabama.

Bitterly objecting to Monday's action, Thomas provided a rare insider's perspective on the widely held view that the court's embrace of gay marriage is a done deal.

Thomas filed a dissenting opinion after his colleagues rejected Alabama's plea to put a hold on same-sex marriages in the state until the Supreme Court resolves the issue nationwide in a few months.


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