Friday, February 13, 2015

So hale to you too chief chicken Barack Obama, I knew you well.


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a screw up and should have done something else without trying to put her two cents worth into what is already law. And of course that could apply to so many more of the people running the levers of power in the American people U.S. Government.
In fact I am surprised to know that this country is still standing without getting taken over by our country's enemies.
America was lost somewhere back when the first group of politician changed the meaning of the bad laws that were written before. And then because they could kept also changing the good laws along with the bad to suit their own self-serving feelings. The United States Constitution simply dissipated into thin air like Harry Reid lies did after eight years of corruption in the U.S. Senate.
No! It just a matter of time now when our country's enemies will realize that we the American people are a people without a country. Because they sole it down the river a long time ago.
Maybe the people south of the border and the collection of black American people can win the fight that the white privileged Americans people lost. But to tell you the truth I think that the collection of people who wanted change and championed political correct behavior is going to run away and not fight at all.
Because frankly only a chicken (blank) kind of person would live like they have been doing in the first place. So hale to you too chief chicken Barack Obama, I knew you well.

Why America’s middle class is lost

The middle class took America to the moon. Then something went horribly wrong.

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