Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Who would you choose to be around?


Tell me who you would choose to join up with CNN, MSNBC, Fox, ABC, NBC, CBS, New York Times, or the culture in the Middle East.
After seeing how these Network guys talk to everyone from their television programs with all of that repugnance liberal propaganda. No wonder thousands of people are running where people believe in what they say, and deeply have a desire to live their religious faith. Having something of substance in their life instead of feeling dirty from hanging around with people who only believe in the Show. And living a hypocrite’s life from cradle to grave like the American media is doing.
I can almost understand what is driving so many people to the other side of the world. Because just anyplace else is better than one more day living around the people who are working for the American media today.
Have you ever been around anyone more of a phony than them?

CNN Executive Called Out Over Hosting Dinner for Obamas (Exclusive)

TV | By Jordan Chariton on February 17, 2015


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