Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Why is Obama such a chicken?


This is too much for me to believe since I read about how American right before Japan bombed Pearl harbor started pulling together declaring war against the Japan empire. Now I see our President Barack Obama start talking about protecting our enemy’s innocent population from our retaliation against killing our countrymen. Declaring to understand our enemy’s social circumstance instead of fighting furiously to win.

My Father once told me if I live long enough that I will see just about everything. And he wasn't whistling Dixie either. Because I now see a Mr. Chicken President of the United States who just standby watching our countryman get beheaded without trying to really win the fight against these terrorist who are doing that.
It is almost too unbelievable to understand why he is not going to fight as hard as we should do to completely defeat this country enemies, and just let the terrorist horror to continue until he leaves office.
So now I am looking for another leader in another country to carry the mantle of humanity for us and go kill as many terrorist as we can. Because our guy Barack Obama over here is simply a damn social failure that I am trying to ignore.

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Speaks at the Iowa Freedom Summit … “Reigniting the Miracle of America” … We Need to Bring Together a Coalition of Americans Who Want to Believe Again in the “Miracle of America”.


FDR declares war 1941

US President Truman decorates soldiers of Korean war in Washington DC. HD Stock Footage

Lyndon Johnson - Report on the Gulf of Tonkin Incident

President Ronald Reagan - "Evil Empire" Speech

George H. W. Bush Announces War Against Iraq

Bush Address to Nation on the Evening of September 11, 2001

Bill O'Reilly Demands Obama Fight A 'Holy War' Against ISIS

Posted by Ellen -2051.20pc on February 18, 2015 · Flag

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