"A thermonuclear weapon is a nuclear weapon design that uses the energy from a primary nuclear fission reaction to compress and ignite a secondary nuclear fusion reaction. The result is greatly increased explosive power when compared to single-stage fission weapons." Google:
Ann Treadway · Top Commenter
your idea is to sit on the OUT side of Iran an do a guessing game? No
negotiations? No inspections for the next 15 to 25 years? We just wait
an keep playing the guessing game form the out side of their country,
right Thomas! You think you know it all! Just like you all did when you
believed Netanayahu an his WMD"S going into Iraq an de-stabalized that
whole country an countries surrounding It! Thanks to Netanayahu an his
WMD lie's we now have ISIS to deal with! If other countries see we are
willing to Negotiate FAIRLY an work toward PEACE in the
Region---------They'd be more likely to work with us when they become
War Weary! They see us backing Israel in yet ANOTHER War an bombing in
their Region against their people---------We can Kill any Kind of Peace
good bye for generations to come!! An if you think any one is going to stop
Saudi Arabia an Turkey from doing what they damned well please to do in
their countries in the years to come-------Your a DANG FOOL! If they
want Nukes, they will get Nukes! You or no one will stop them! An their
to big/powerful for you to bomb out of existance either! Just like Iran
is! You fools don't understand, that our only chance is to do this
peacefully! Get in their an Inspect an if they keep their promise it
will be a draw down from 19,916 centerfuse's to less them
6,000---------an we get 96.8% of their stock pile! So don't go call me a
damned Liberal who doesn't know what were talking about. Especially
sense I've been a republican all my life an only started to vote for
Democrat's as people like you/Sen.Cotton/Rep. Boehner an the likes has
taken this party right off the cliff into no man's land!
Treadway :Good luck Ann I truly hope that if we do sign a nuclear
agreement with Iran it will turn out good for us. Because the
alternative is really serious if the Iran Ayatollah double cross us. A
nuclear war will be simply too late for tears. I do think that we will
sign a deal with Iran, but I don't believe it will do us any good. And I
hope you are right, and I am wrong.
Military Action Against Iran Still Possible, Says Israeli Official
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