Friday, April 10, 2015

Elizabeth Warren is running...


I think that Elizabeth Warren is running for President of the United States and has a very good chance to win as the first woman President in this country’s history...I think that she is running.

Did you hear her interviews with the media lately? Saying that the political game in Washington DC is fixed.
Believe me that is very magic words to a population of American people who have come to that same conclusion 40 years ago. No! I think that Hillary Clinton is old news that will fail to get off the ground, and the media, Ivy League, Democratic Party's big spenders, will get behind Warren in a show of solidarity. And then Elizabeth Warren will be the Democratic Party's Presidential Canadian for President in 2016.

Elizabeth Warren: 2016 race should focus on families

Elizabeth Warren isn't throwing her hat into the ring, but she wants whoever is running in 2016 to make middle-class families a priority.

Year after year, they take one blow after another, Warren said on CNN's New Day on Friday, where she appeared to talk about her new book "A Fighting Chance."

"We live in an America now where the game is rigged. Where Washington works really great for those who hire armies of lobbyists, armies of lawyers. It's just not working so well for the rest of America," she said.

Warren wants candidates running in 2016 to talk about how they'll change that and "make Washington work for families again."

The Democratic Senator from Massachusetts has long been a champion for the middle class, advocating for a higher minimum wage, making education more affordable, and protecting benefits like Social Security and Medicare.

Many of her supporters hope she would run for President, challenging Hillary Clinton, who is expected to announced her candidacy on Sunday, for the Democratic nomination in 2016. But Warren has consistently said she isn't running.

And she wouldn't throw her support behind anyone on Friday or in the near future. Only Republicans Ted Cruz and Rand Paul have announced their candidacies.

"In my view, [they're] out of the running for really working for middle-class families," Warren said.

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