Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Getting closer to a Veto proof Congress so they can say goodbye to Barack.


The Barack Obama Show is just about over in Washington DC as the Democrats push to go their own way towards the substance of dealing with Iran, and the rest of this country's foreign policy. Nothing is more sure under the political sun in this country as the Democratic party become more in tune with the financial interests of the American people.

Big business is the Democratic party's business and they want to make that business work big time. Barack Obama had his chance and now the time is getting closer when and where all of the rest of the Democratic Party start doing what the American people wants then to do. Watch if the Democrats get to a veto proof number in the U.S. Senate over Iran. When and if that happens that will be the beginning of the Democratic party running for reelection again in 2016.

Look out world and the Republican who seem dizzy now because they are in the majority in Congress and just might get pushed back into their more familiar roll in the House and Senate as the minority political party once more. The Republican seem to be happier in the minority Party in Congress that way, don't you think.

And the Democrats are getting closer to a Veto proof Congress so they can say goodbye to Barack and free to fan their own political guns..

President Obama Must Not Complete a Disastrous Deal With Iran


Forget Churchill—Obama Isn't Measuring up to Neville Chamberlain

By | 03/31/15 3:32pm

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