Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Hurting the good guys.


I heard George Will tell his Fox News Brit Hume TV Special Report panel, "that the liberal left has won the Same Sex Social Marriage argument. And if the Republican Religious people had any common sense about them that they should of course simply accept that fact, and move on."

And Mr. Will would hope that the LGBT community would be gracious in victory and stop picking off the Republican Religious stragglers who were still dissenting in public. And to certainly not try and cause those dissenting people, because of their Religious faith, to lose their source of income by socially protesting them out of their job.

After all France, Great Britain, and United States, did that very thing to the German people by driving them into deep social poverty and making Germany pay for the cost of the First World War, and you know what that cost the rest of our populachion because of those overzealous social feeling back then after that. And World War II then became the when and where that 60 million people were killed, which was over 3% of the 1939 world population (est. 2 billion).

It is truly not only important to learn how to lose, but also very valuable to know how to feel after you win. Or of course keep laying the ground work for another fight with the people you were lucky enough to defeat before.

When Jesus said turn the other cheek he was talking about the person who has already saved his or her own soul. By turning the other cheek to avoid hurting the people who are already lost and in pain, and will perhaps win over your enemies good will.  And of course do no more harm to them.

To really try and love your enemies instead. Therefore I hope that the Gay community living in this country now go on to become more relaxed with their new social statics and simply go on about their business with out jumping out of their skin every time someone hollers in verbal descent of Gay Marriage, because of their Religion.

Ann Coulter

Happy National Hate Week! Today, we're all hating on Indiana. Who will be the left's Emmanuel Goldstein next week?

Evidently, the sole function of the media these days is to subject the public to a steady stream of manufactured events: "Hands Up, Don't Shoot"; nuclear power kills; Lena Dunham's rape by a college conservative at Oberlin; the "mattress girl" raped at Columbia University; Jon Stewart is funny; a fraternity gang-rape at the University of Virginia; and a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.

The whole country has to keep being dragged through these liberal hate campaigns, but as soon as the precipitating event turns out to be a gigantic hoax, the truth is revealed like a bedtime story being read to a child: The ending is whispered and the narrator tiptoes out of the room.

Here's a time-saver: Whenever one of these conscience-shocking stories is promoted to front-page status by The New York Times and involves:

-- police brutality;

-- the environment;

-- a campus rape; or

-- gays;

... you can be pretty confident it's a hoax. As the saying goes, it didn't happen until it's reported by The New York Times, and not even then.

Many months, several million wasted taxpayer dollars and one cop's career later, even Eric Holder's Justice Department finally admitted that the whole "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" story was bunk.

After the Fukushima nuclear meltdown in Japan four years ago, Bill Nye "the (self-proclaimed) Science Guy" gravely informed CNN viewers, "This is all bad and very scary. ... You know, it's nothing but danger. It's nothing but very serious, very, very long-term problems."

Wired magazine recently reported that, in the four years since the disaster, more than 96 percent of food, fish and agriculture throughout Fukushima has contained less than one-sixth of the radiation permitted in food imported to Europe. Read More » http://www.anncoulter.com/

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