Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I bag your pardon.


I beg your pardon over my grammar and understand that sometime I do not take enough care in skillfully writing the words I use. I do not write much at all because I am a master machinist instead, and who spends all of my time with machine tools - adjusting, or building, rebuilding folding carton machine.

However I really do appreciate the writing skills of other people, even though that I can't write very well myself, and certainly not with the same skill level that other people do.

Sometime when I am writing and using words in trying to express what I am trying to say. That moment becomes much like looking into the night sky with a vast universe of information spread out before me that I am trying my best to understand. And my writing starts to take on a terrible offal struggle looking for words to creating a vocabulary in trying to use the right word that express what I mean. And this effort to write to you even though I know that I can't really wright myself, takes on a life of its own. And I go ahead and try anyway because I want to talk about the information around me that everyone else is also discussing.

Most of you can easily wright without all of these bad grammar choices that I sometimes use. So I am going to rely on your humanity to let me slide, because I am doing this to the best of my ability. And if you don't forgive me we will not be able to talk with each other.

And I will become an outcast.

There seems to be something about the English language that has been chasing me around for all of the days of my life. Because I played a lot of hooky trying to flee from learning the right way to use the English language, by becoming interested in sports and machinery instead. But alas every time I want to carry on a conversation with other people I get pulled back into using the English language in the right way, just like everyone else.

And my effort to get out of that struggle keeps failing. So now I am stuck with trying to write to you in the best way that I can. I am a natural born rascal hooky player who loved playing in the streets instead of school, and now must come in from out of the fun, so you can simply understand what I am saying better.

If you do notice something wrong in the way that I misused words, I beg your pardon. And will simply try to do better the next time I have something to say.

Well I'll let you in on one of my privately held secret and that is about how I have always really loved words. I once read where F Scott Fitzgerald said to Maxwell Perkins in describing his feeling about great literature, by quoting The Eve of St Agnes, by John Keats. “The hare laid limped trembling through the frozen grass"

And I also felt and feel like those words are very good and expressive telling about the emotion felt. Putting life into words that you can feel just like from that moment in your real life itself.

Yes words can be used in a very artistic way by creating great literature that is also very hard to do.

So I also learned that words can become an art that is sometime very hard to please. And who in their right mind would want to struggle working hard getting pushed and pulled around from a force deep within you. Straining to use the right words in the right way because you sense a moment of wisdom sometimes. When in your reality it is smarter for you to relax from working with a machine that absorbs your interest, and even having more fun by simply going to a football game, or fishing instead.

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