Ali Baba hid out of sight to watch the 40 thieves ride up to the giant rock covering the entrance to the cave of their hidden treasure. And the leader said the magic words “open sesame," then the giant rock rolled to one side letting them in. I remember these magic words from the movie "Open Sesame" (Arabic: افتح يا سمسم iftaḥ yā simsim, French: Sésame, ouvre-toi) is a magical phrase in the story of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" in One Thousand and One Nights. It opens the mouth of a cave in which forty thieves have hidden a treasure."
Ali Baba hid out of sight to watch the 40 thieves ride up to the giant rock covering the entrance to the cave of their hidden treasure. And the leader said the magic words “open sesame," then the giant rock rolled to one side letting them in. I remember these magic words from the movie "Open Sesame" (Arabic: افتح يا سمسم iftaḥ yā simsim, French: Sésame, ouvre-toi) is a magical phrase in the story of "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" in One Thousand and One Nights. It opens the mouth of a cave in which forty thieves have hidden a treasure."
Bill and Hillary Clinton has been riding with the TV
Networks thieves of today doing whatever they wanted by hook or crook, using
our U.S. Government with the TV networks silence. As the magic words to go
ahead and keep their ill begotten wealth and political power. The networks
silence is the magic words of today to help keep the liberal progressive
treasure trove.
The silence of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, about this obvious abuse of using the U.S. Government power for self-serving wealth and power reasons has become very public now. In the column of the New York Times story about “Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians pressed for control of Uranium Company."
And speaks volumes about these people running those TV Networks. But for the social corruption of them we the decent American people can’t clean up our own neighborhood, and Government institutions. From the very vial people and thieves like the Clinton's who keep hurting my country's safety and honor..
The about quiet media look just as bad as Bill and Hillary
to me.
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=f2zBgFPf3gs
White House
Dodges Ten Consecutive Questions About Clinton Foundation
White House Dodges Ten Consecutive Questions About Clinton
Source: Daily Caller
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