Sunday, April 5, 2015

That Mr. Slick will just need to do the right thing too.


If I don't make it up into your Gods heaven with you guys I really hope that you and your love ones really do instead. After all if I were him (God) I would of course let you in and keep me out until I could catch on better also. Making up for all that hooky playing time that I pulled when all the other Boys and Girls were behave themselves and went to School and Church like they should have.

Honoring their Fathers and Mother wishes, and word.

And I would make me stay here on Earth and listen to the other Preachers and Priest, who are still showing their Lord God the right respect that he deserves. Real justice should not let a hooky player like me into the kingdom of God with the more deserving people like you.

I mean what do you do with someone who loves God and has the compassion to shrugs off painful suffering only to keep playing hooky like a fun loving little rascal anyway?

That right I would keep him on Earth, like staying after school. Determinant to keep him out of Hell making him do the same grindstone homework that all the rest of the other children had to do too, before they get a passing grade.
Don't let him in until he learn how to read and write like all the other children had to do too.
That a person like Mr. Slick will just need to do the right thing too, before they enter into the Gates of Heaven.

It's Friday but Sundays is coming.

This message by S.M. Lockridge, entitled “It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming,” is one of the most widely watched/listened to messages in recent history. It’s also one of the most important, powerful sermons you’ll ever hear.

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