Wednesday, April 29, 2015

The real failures in Baltimore


If the men running the City of Baltimore haven't learned by now when will they catch on? That their city is full of empty houses boarded up from the jobs that are not in the city anymore are of course the real failures living in Baltimore today. The stark reality that the National Guard are patrolling around the Baltimore city streets supporting the Baltimore police from riots, is the proof certain that the Mayor, City Councilman, Congressman, Senator, Governor, are completely incompetent and should be fired from their job.
The Baltimore population can't even chose what school to attend because of the teachers union. And all the rest of that political race merchant TV Show that has been using, abusing, and failing the Baltimore population all these years now.
Now the same incompetent Baltimore Government leader are still calling for more money because of the suppressive circumstances of black American people living in Baltimore by white men who dominate elected offices. What a crock.

Obama On Baltimore: Republican Congress Won’t Invest in Urban Communities

by Charlie Spiering

During his press conference today, President Obama addressed the violence in Baltimore, claiming his political agenda would help solve some of the problems found in impoverished urban communities, such as the one where the violence occurred.

“There’s a bunch of my agenda that would make difference right now in that,” he said, calling for more funding for early education, criminal justice reform and job training.

Obama criticized members of Congress for blocking his agenda items, but encouraged Americans to do some “soul searching” during his joint press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this afternoon.

“I’m under no illusion that under this Congress we’re going to get massive investments in urban communities,” he said, adding that it was important to work to improve communities anyway.
He explained Americans should not “just pay attention to these communities when a CVS burns,” but rather work together to tackle poverty around the nation.

“[W]hat I’ve tried to do is promote those ideas that would make a difference, but I think we all understand that politics is tough because it’s easy to ignore those problems or to treat them as a law and order issue as opposed to a broader social issue,” he said.

Obama also suggested that the media was once again overplaying the violent protests while ignoring the peaceful ones done by community organizers in the Baltimore community.

“One burning building will be looped on television over and over and over again and the thousands of demonstrators who did it the right way, I think, have been lost in the discussion,” he said.

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