Friday, April 3, 2015

We can't trust Iran.


Iran is not trustworthy and everyone knows it. This is silly to believe that this narrow Obama agreement is going to stop Iran from all the terror going on in the Middle East. And how can you feel better about Iran developing their ballistic missiles that will reach the USA?

And what about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, also arming themselves with nuclear bombs? No this is a stupid agreement with the devil that will only get worse for us instead.

I think that a deal will be signed but it will not help us at all.

Joyful Iranians dance into night after nuclear breakthrough

Tehran (AFP) - Hundreds of Iranians took to the streets in Tehran early Friday to celebrate a breakthrough in talks with the West that may end the country's 12-year-long nuclear crisis.
The capital's longest street, Val-e-Asr Avenue, was lined with cars as drivers sounded their horns in approval of a framework deal intended to lead to a comprehensive agreement with world powers in June.

"Whatever the final result of the negotiations, we are winners," 30-year-old Behrang Alavi said on Val-e-Asr at around 1:00 am as the noise reverberated around him


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