WATCH: Trump Bashes Cruz- 'Everybody Hates Him' in Washington.
Donald Trump elaborates on his comments that nobody likes Ted Cruz in Washington.
Thomas Williams: The American people like Trump and that really meant something to me.
Heather Sullivan: Washington not loving Cruz is likely the best endorsement for Cruz.
Miles Lemkin: What
principles and conservative values does Ted Cruz have? How many
positions has he changed in the last few months? Cruz is fooling you!
Wake up! Ted Cruz, the Canadian born anti-establishment imposter takes
big loans from Goldman Sachs and Citibank,
the epitome of Wall Street establishment and then does not disclose the
loans, breaking the law! Cruz says "New York values" are bad, but New
York money is good!! Ted Cruz is a phony who can't be trusted.
Ronald Laborde: u tell us how many positions he has changed--
Steve Corsi: Is
this a bad thing?? So far we got Congress looking at conservative
plans due to the possibility of a Cruz win. So I take this as Trump
endorsing Cruz!!!
Rick Lechman: If everybody and Washington hates him... He's doing something right.
Michael Marino: That
is a good thing. I don't want the establishment to like him. If they
hate him that means he is doing his job. They like you because you
donate money to all of the hacks that causes all of the problems.
Bettie Leitner Harvey: I love Trump of course your not saying anything about Cruz attacks on Mr. Donald J. Trump. Sad even you are one of the PC police. Cruz has done a lot of sneaky things, do you not want that aired?
Giovanni Socci: Wasn
t the Ayatollah obama saying the same thing about Bush? "He is hated
and The U.S is hated around the world,I will bring respect back to the
U.S. and our citizens".
I ll tell you these liberals are so focused on feelings,Donald is a case in point.
I ll tell you these liberals are so focused on feelings,Donald is a case in point.
David J. Cerame: That's not exactly "bashing" for Cruz...more like an endorsement...
Shirley Stanley Plummer: Washington
lying republicans have thrown everything at Donald Trump and he is
still standing and still fighting for all of us. Donald Trump is a
very intelligent and brilliant man and donates millions to help others
and he helps everyone. He is kind and generous and loving.
God bless Donald Trump and keep him safe to be our next President.
God bless Donald Trump and keep him safe to be our next President.
Tommy Steele: All the more reason to vote Cruz!
Susan Mounts: Trump
is stuck being a 7th grade bully! Grow up Trump. You behave like a
little spoiled brat. No class! Had enough of your instant anger replies.
You are a dangerous person to have in charge of our national security!
Sherry Hoffman:Laura,
I just heard your response on Fox and Friends and I disagree. For
conservative Christians, the way Trump talked to the Liberty crowd make
him look like a FAKE, like someone just saying what he thinks the crowd
wants to hear. It's a lot like Hillary
changing her accent when she talks to a audience of black people. I
don't buy it. You also talk like he is the only one who can turn things
upside down in DC. I disagree again.
Chris Smith: Is being hated in Washington a bad thing?
James Whidden: Being
President isn't a darn Popularity contest It's about getting thing's
done, No one is going to make everybody happy. Darn sure didn't bother
Obummer that he wasn't like on the right side of the house.
Jim Watt: Trump's
routine is getting old and tiresome. The fact that Cruz is not well
liked in Washington is a huge endorsement. I wish Trump would take a
hike so meaningful issues could be sincerely discussed. Presently it is
just a three ring circus. Trump has no substance to his candicacy
whatsoever; he simply gives off the cuff feel good comments. That is
not what we are looking for in a President in my view.
Matt Carbonaro: Cruz fans are such insecure babies can't handle attacks but when Cruz attacks anyone hey don't be mean to our precious Rafael
Go back to Canada Ted ! 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Go back to Canada Ted ! 🇨🇦🇨🇦
Patti Delaney Butler: Sorry but Cruz is part of the republican establishment that has let Obama get away with everything .. They all suck
Jerry Lung: Wonder what Trump's lead would be if he didn't bad mouth everyone? He should quit that tactic and watch his lead increase.
Mary Schenkel: Umm, Trump, that's a GOOD thing!
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