Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Not in my neighborhood.

Middle East Muslims
Oh boy..had to share this so that all can HEAR what Islamic bawbags (not extremists btw!!!!) say about BEATING UR WIFE..HEY SYMPATHISERS! R U LISTENING?? U WANT THIS HERE IN THE UK? U ACCEPT THIS?? Yeah? Buy a bin bag n go live in an Islamic country! I'm sickened by this...


Muslim clerics on wife beating
Jayne Johnson likes this.
Karen Hilliard
Karen Hilliard: Ignorant FRICKEN freaks!!!Karma will get them the same way.
Jayne Johnson
Jayne Johnson: I sure hope so hunny! X
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams: God almighty Muslim people using their Islamic religion to be perverted against their own countryman. And control other people living in the Middle East with the terror of Rape, Torture, and Murder. And are truly very horrible people that is keeping the Middle East society a basket case. Whereas the Indonesia Muslims are stable and getting along just find. So you can have the Middle East Muslims because I don’t want them here in my neighborhood at all.
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