Sunday, June 12, 2016

Voting for their countrymen and not a political party at all.

Larry Wayne LindseyFollow
For the first time in my life, I am witnessing people uniting against the corrupt establishment - not as Republicans, Democrats or Independents, but as Americans, who love their country and know that the only chance we have to save the greatest nation on this earth, is to unite in support of Donald Trump.
Paul Wieber We are Americans first, party affiliations second.
Liz Mccright
Nadine Crupi
Nadine Crupi Donald Trump has been in the public eye for over 40 years. He was never called a racist until he ran against Democrats. RACIST IS THE NEW PC WORD..THIS IS BULL..TRUMP IS FAR FROM RACIST! All left wing BS...All the media bashing & GOP ATTACKING WILL NOT HURT TRUMP! They are looking for anything to bring him down! Now there is talk of stripping him of nomination...HEADS UP PEOPLE...THE FIGHT IS ON! This is disgusting!
Paul E Hastings Sr.
Paul E Hastings Sr. YES I AGREE 1000%
The party has sold our country and that why they are trying so hard to stop TRUMP
Paul E Hastings Sr.
Sis Mcpherson
Sis Mcpherson 100%😍😍😍😍
Like · Reply · 4 · 22 hrs
Randy Verkler
Kevin Honaker
Like · Reply · 3 · 22 hrs
Louise Curry
Like · Reply · 2 · 21 hrs
Priscilla Orahood
Priscilla Orahood We have to keep it going and keep it strong, and when "they" push against us we have to push back twice as hard. We have to win this thing or we as a nation are done.
Like · Reply · 9 · 21 hrs
Jackie Caldwell
Shannon Key
Betty Wies-Pence
Betty Wies-Pence What worries me is someone my try to kill him. It would be devastating.
Like · Reply · 3 · 19 hrs
Anna Aragunde Deardorff
Anna Aragunde Deardorff Copied this from another post. I am for Donald Trump though. This is a must see video.

I'm Not a Democrat or a Republican.Because I now know the truth .
...See More
Why do you think the DC establishment hates Donald Trump?
Like · Reply · 2 · 18 hrs
Larry Gray
Larry Gray If he doesn't win we're in big trouble !
Like · Reply · 5 · 14 hrs
Stan Sanders
Stan Sanders I love my country without Trump in it. He will without a doubt fuck it up. No for Trump and I am a 21 year Veteran with 3 tours of combat duty. He wants more young kids killed all talk no thinking let's his sons become Veterans and let him pay High Taxes Like all of us do.
Butch Crosby
Butch Crosby It brings back hope in my heart and tears in my eyes. The only other time I felt this strongly about a candidate for president was in 1972. Unfortunately, my candidate lost.
Like · Reply · 1 · 10 hrs
Thomas Williams
Thomas Williams Voting for their countrymen and not a political party at all.


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