Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Can the Washington DC establishment stop Donald Trump?

Thomas Williams

Shared publicly  -  6:02 PM

Can the Washington DC establishment with the Republican members help, stop Donald Trump?

And will the Obama/Clinton and media daily Donald Trump attacks shut up the voice of Donald Trump, and the American people supporting him? Stay tune because November 8th 2016 will answer that important question for real.

Meet the Republicans speaking out against Trump
03/02/16 06:48 PM—Updated 06/16/16 01:30 PM

By MSNBC staff

Donald Trump’s march to the Republican nomination has forced a crisis in the party. As opposition to the billionaire front-runner began boiling over months ago, especially after Trump’s initial refusal to denounce former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke in an interview, a growing list of GOP elected officials and top strategists stepped forward to declare their opposition to Trump’s candidacy. Some threatened to vote for his Democratic rival instead come November. On Twitter, #NeverTrump became a way for party stalwarts to voice their dissatisfaction.

But that was before Trump’s victory in the Indiana primary all but clinched him the Republican nomination outright, eliminating closest rival Ted Cruz, who dropped out of the race. Ohio Gov. John Kasich followed suit. Calls for unity within the fractured GOP began, though both Cruz and Kasich declined to immediately endorse their former rival.
Where do the GOP lawmakers, strategists and commentators who have said they won't support the presumptive GOP nominee go from here?

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