Wednesday, November 29, 2017

So why should I care about what college or pro football team or NAACP people do in America today?

Big shout out to the more than 2000 users who contributed to the Confederate monuments debate -- it has grown to probably the most in-depth debate on the matter with over 1000 unique claims. We are very proud of what you accomplished.
Proof that people from different political sides can, in fact, discuss things rationally together! Well done and thanks to all for participating!

Although the American Civil War ended over 150 years ago, the legacy of this time in history remains immortalized throughout much of the country. Monuments, parks,…
Connor Fitzpatrick

La Marseillaise Casablanca
Film américain de Michael Curtiz (1942) VF. L'un des plus grand chefs-d'oeuvre de…
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Jeremy Stanley, Those who remove history are doomed to repeat it.
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Thomas Williams, Well, all of this taking pictures of that looks horrible to me because I now know how they really feel about people who happen to be white, wearing a policeman, or military uniform. That the College and NFL football players don't like the white policeman or U.S. and Confederate Soldiers. And don't respect our country's flag or national anthem.

That NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is some kind of weak kiss ass fool for money who also doesn't care about our country's flag or national anthem enough to take up for them. So why should I care about what college or pro football team or NAACP people do in America today when they still think that the white American people like me are no good?
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