Saturday, December 2, 2017

Creative literature.


English Lessons
NOT Your going to love it
RATHER You're going to love it
NOT There car got stolen
RATHER Their car got stolen
NOT He be smiling (this is ghetto slang)
RATHER He's smiling
Your Spelling and grammar reveals your IQ
Al Crosby, geez, Robin, u could spend a year completing this,
Like · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
Thomas Williams - Thanks. I have always admired the skill of other people who can write very well.

Something I cannot do hardly at all. In fact, writing is some kind of torture grinding against me trying to express myself every time I try.

First, I hate spelling - because it takes up to much time and keeps becoming a distraction for me to move forward into the next word. Words can become a creative thing like a note in a Symphony of sounds making up a beautiful song.

Yet the right note or word can be also fragile and a thing you will forget like a passing moment that might not come back to you again.

So when I take time to spell or punctuate instead of simply feeling my way forward completing what I'm saying. That becomes a barrier to perhaps writing even better than I have ever done before.

I like that we have spell check and grammar helping us on our computers now. You would think that we would be reading some truly creative literature. But where is it?
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 min · Edited
Mary DiRuzzo, I'm glad I'm not the only one who is annoyed by poor grammar.
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Mary Moon - Awe, Merry Christmas Robin Elliott, that's pretty harsh...not everyone had the opportunity you've had! Retards are sweet people too!😇✝️😜😀
Like · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
Henry Gideon, Smatter kaint yall understand Anglish lol just kidding
Like · Reply · 1 · 54 mins
Greg Douglas, I just, only seconds ago, read about a doctor’s office holding a “Patience Appreciation Day”
Like · Reply · Just now

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