Sunday, December 10, 2017

Who do you think is going to prevail.

Thomas Williams

Three CNN journalists resigned after retraction
Has anyone tuned into the MSNBC Brother Brother Network today?
Thomas Williams

Once again listening to all the reasons that the TV Networks and Hollywood Deep State puppets think that we the American people should vote against what we wanted to happen in the first place. Is just some of the media craziness that we keep seeing on a daily basis these days 12/10/2017.

Because we want a stronger military, our society with more reasonable healthcare that is affordable. A less intrusive federal government, with better education, and of course a more stable economy.

That our U.S. Government should run not by perfect countrymen but by people who simply love each other for being born Americans.

People who pledged allegiance to the flag and respect our country's national anthem in public. So tuning into the TV Networks like CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS telling us not to want what we the people said has become a social craziness of the likes that we have never seen before.

That this Washington DC establishment criminal enterprise is even trying to commit a coup d'etat on President Donald Trump for trying to deliver what we the people elected him to do is shocking. So who do you think is going to prevail, the Big Brother Network representing the Washington DC establishment, or us the American people who elected President Donald Trump?

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