I want the men and women that the United States population elected to run the US government for the past hundred years, convicted.
Thomas Williams - The people who have run the three branches of the US government have their nerve talking bad about rich people, like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Gates, Facebook, YouTube, US Steel. Because all those people did was make money creating jobs, wealth, and prosperity as the people running the three branches of the United States Government spent all the money. That all the Washington DC establishment did was keep spending money playing up to the maddening crowds social whims. Spending our tax money and spending the Rich man's money, spending the Poor man's money, spending everybody's money until we are now all in debt Trillions of dollars.
I want them tried in a Court of Law and convicted to all-time damnation for being the worst kind of Countryman to you and me and nothing but lowdown crooks stealing other people's money.
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