Saturday, September 28, 2019

In 2016 people from all over America voted for Donald Trump electing him the 45th President of the United States and will do so again on November 3rd 2020. Trump is "The Man"

Like natural moss hanging on trees in the bayou, I also cling to trusting your strength and experience with my faith against the hidden swamp predator feeding off of you and me before we knew better. I don't know why we were born into a treacherous society of betrail and deception but here we are living around each other in real-time watching the Washington DC establishment Deep State fight against the American people choice President Trump with every evil dirty truck they can. So in spite of our circumstance together let's win anyway, what you say?

The American people allow themselves to be harassed by people like Nancy, Hillary, Bernie, Barack, and the liberal MSM like they do but I fight against the same people everywhere I can, in school, church, everywhere they show their ugly ass. Certainly not putting on a TV Show for someone else's benefit playing along to get alone and selling our soul to the devil. No, I'm with you ladies and gentlemen being your person living by courage, strength, trust, faith, and truth because just like you said, what else is there? So thank you for being the man you are President Trump and I support you too. Trump is "The Man"
There are now over 150 House Democrats who back Impeachment. These Impeachment claims have nothing to do with me, President Trump - the Democrats thrive on silencing and intimidating my supporters, like YOU. They want to take YOUR VOTE away.
I need YOU to sign your name to my list of supporters now.

Join The Movement and Add Your Name


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