Monday, October 14, 2019

Do you think that the American mainstream media and Democratic Party is trying to turn public opinion against President Trump? (sarcasm)

Russia brokers deal between Kurds and Damascus to stem Turkish offensive

Islamic State Affiliates Break Free From Camp in Syria

Escape exacerbates fear that Turkish incursion will allow the extremist group to rebuild strength


Democrats are taking the impeachment inquiry in two tightly focused directions: Ukraine and obstruction of justice.

Thomas Williams - Do you think that the American mainstream media and Democratic Party is trying to turn public opinion against President Trump?
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Kurdish–Turkish conflict[note] is an armed conflict between the Republic of Turkey and various Kurdish insurgent groups,[64] which have demanded separation from Turkey to create an independent Kurdistan,[42][65] or to have autonomy[66][67] and greater political and cultural rights for Kurds inside the Republic of Turkey.[68] The main rebel group is the Kurdistan Workers' Party[69] or PKK (KurdishPartiya KarkerĂȘn Kurdistan). Although insurgents have carried out attacks in many regions of Turkey,[70] the insurgency is mainly in southeastern Turkey.[71] The PKK's presence in Iraq's Kurdistan Region, from which it has also launched attacks, has resulted in the Turkish military carrying out frequent ground incursions and air and artillery strikes in the region.[72][73] The conflict has cost the economy of Turkey an estimated $300 to 450 billion, mostly military costs. It has also affected tourism in Turkey.[74][75][76]

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