Saturday, October 19, 2019

The American Militarily Industrial Complex always stays the same.

  • Thomas Williams Goodness gracious ladies and gentlemen Dwight D. Eisenhower told us the truth about the American Militarily Industrial Complex becoming a powerful invested interest of wealth and power posing a danger to us staying a peaceful country, that the danger within is much greater than the enemies without
    I feel good over President Trump removing our American soldiers out of the Middle East quagmire, of everlasting hate, bloodthirsty slaughter, death, and terror. How this country Government leader allowed themselves to be drawn into spending trillions of dollars sacrificing American lives fighting in the Middle East without really trying to win Fighting in an endless war is beyond me.

    I am glad that you and I are not responsible for using our American soldiers for the political folly of another President like George W. Bush's stupid regime-change removing Iraq Saddam Hussein, and the Obama removal and murder of Liberia's Gaddafi al-Gaddafi, making everything worse and just about lying about everything to us. So thank you for being honest with us President Donald Trump living up to your campaign promise.
  • Thomas Williams - I am not about to follow the narrative of this country's media broadcast for its self-serving reasons and vanities hating Trump.

    I have a kinship with the voters who voted for Trump as did I against the likes of these mainstream media members shady double standard behavior who don't like us for voting for Trump and who can go to hell.

    Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Washington Post, and New York Times, are wasting their breath on me because I'm now hunting them down, one by one if need be, making sure I vote against them and everything they stand for before Trump arrived that is the reason and motivation I voted for Donald Trump, to begin with. Donald Trump is not like them because he's not infected by the Ivy league poison flowing in their veins allowing me to support Trump at the right time to help drain the swamp that they created in Washington DC running the US government so help us, God.

    I will keep fighting for God's faith hope and charity Goodwill towards men, God's honor. Against these Insidious nihilists feeding off America's hard work and government wealth no matter what failsafe legalized corruption they created holding back the truth of who they are. That in time we will break through and destroy them once and for all.
  • Thomas Williams President Trump is fighting back against the Washington DC establishment culture way of being a government charity for the past 50 years.
    Donald Trump is the first culture Warrior to come along in 50 years fighting against the progressive people making the US government a charity organization instead of having the religious charities and big business charities handling the down and out people needing a hand from time to time. President Trump is the first man to push back on this tormenting over texed bullying Progressive Way of government that has corruption everything through the three branches of our America government. Donald Trump is the man who will not go down easy to these corrupted Deep State members fighting you and me tooth and nail because they can't stop being ugly SOB's.
  • Chris Cole Hmm you have to wonder why the military is so upset? I wonder if it is because they know war makes money at the cost of the poor uneducated people of our youth that turned to the military to better themselves through training and education. Think people this is what the military prepares for. If there are no wars no conflicts our Generals would be jobless! Self-preservation is their only goal.
  • Bianca Pearson - There are some very ignorant comments here..suggesting trump,.the TV personality, knows more about foreign affairs, diplomacy and military actions than career military personnel

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