Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Greek Oracle living in Georgia wants to know,

The Greek Oracle living in Georgia wants to know from the American people in 2019. "Why are the American people putting up with all of this Democratic Party and liberal medias political bull talk?

My answer was. "I don't know Oracle maybe because the Washington DC establishment membership who hasn't been challenged like Donald Trump is doing for the past 50 years now know they cannot beat President Trump in the up and coming 2020 presidential election. Taking him out with a made for TV political Kangaroo Court?
Waaaaaa-Waaaaaa-Waaaaaa. Please, please quit WHINING. Lord man, you look dumber and dumber every time you get on TV Go read a spy novel and get over it.  https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-blocks-ambassadors-impeachment-testimony-lawmakers-vow-subpoena/ar-AAIslLU?ocid=sf
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The U.S. State Department is withholding messages from the ambassador to the European Union that are relevant to the impeachment inquiry, Rep. Adam Schiff said.
  • Dan Knobb We'll get Dat Trump Guy?If IT Takes Till 4545. I Personalty, was Him Pee In the Men's Ur'in'AL ?? That's 4 the Crossed
    GenderS Only !!
    • Jeanne Ward Schiff is one of the biggest racketeers in Washington. Schiff, one of the nastiest of the swamp creatures, would arise from the muck screeching in protest. Anyone heard of Igor Pasternak? He is the Ukraine that found the company “Worldwide Aeros, Follow the money. Pasternak is selling the Ukrainians~~Pasternak is deeply involved with the Ukrainian government’s military production, which is seeking to eliminate its dependence on Soviet-era military hardware~~Pasternak raises thousands for Schiff, and Schiff raises millions for Pasternak. It’s a sweet deal all around. Americans should read Schiff's involvement with Ukraine... did I mention earlier that Donald Trump is playing Chess and Schiff for brains is playing checkers? Well back in 2013 ~~ Schiff is betraying his own rather specialized interests here~ July 18, 2013, a fundraiser for Schiff’s reelection campaign was held at the home of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak in Washington, D.C. Price of admission: $2,500 a head, and $1,000 for guests. Why is Pasternak such a fan of Schiff’s? Does anyone smell a Dead Fish with all these Democrats? It runs deep but the Loudest to protest are usually guilty of what they try so hard to accuse others and getting the President out of the White House in any way possible is their Purpose..... oh Yeah...…...…...
    • Charlie Robinson Answer - defense contracts.
    • Thomas Williams Jeanne Ward - yes, the Democrats Are All Shook Up and shocked because Donald Trump is investigating the Democrats, something that hasn't happened in 25 years.
    • Jeanne Ward Thomas Williams they knew what would happen if Donald Trump who was not a Politician of their like, and having him accessible to the classified and information at his hands was a death sentence by corruption for them.. that Dear Friend is why as soon as he said he was going to run for President The Clinton corrupt machine and their Band of Brothers including the Rino's and the FBI and the CIA were going to take him down... I guess those that don't connect the dots or have their heads in the sand couldn't see what was unfolding during the whole time. Comey covering her crimes, The Obama Deep state making statements that he and his Hollywood alternate lifestyler are constantly making reassurance that Trump would never be President..as Well as his Brennen and Clapper working hard to set Trump up.... Can't wait for the report hopefully this week or next …. ~~~. Hillary having break downs and Health problems related to her drinking because she knew if Trump got into office that she would be called out one way or another... She was totally pissed when she made this announcement on why she wasn't ahead~~.. Remember her statement? Hillary’s MASSIVE MELTDOWN If that f***ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!~~~~https://youtu.be/tVCHU4wCBQg.
      Even Hillary wonders why she isn't '50 points ahead'
      Even Hillary wonders why she isn't '50 points ahead'
      Even Hillary wonders why she isn't '50 points ahead'
    • Thomas Williams - You are a honest woman Jeanne who I respect a lot because you keep telling me the truth. So Thank you once again I keep learning that way.

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