Monday, October 21, 2019

Welcome back, Jeanne!

I think I lost my post so here goes it know I am long winded but too old to change now~~ lol... I want each and Every one to know how much it means to me to be missed.. I learned a long time ago that I needed to surround myself with Dear Friends that have the Most beautiful hearts and souls... Through all the ups and downs throughout My life~~ I decided I would fight those times with the Friends I choose for myself that would become ~~Not just life long friends but the Family I wanted for myself... Trust me when I say this... if it had not been for each of you that were there during each decade of my life I would not have been able to Grab that Tiger by the Tale and Carry on... Really...I mean that from My Heart of Hearts~!! So the Sappy side of me says and will always Say ~~ Thank you and I Love you all to Piece's ~~~~~💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
  • Bill GordonYou are the bestess BFF a man could ever have. If all my friends were like you i'd be the happiest man around. Love you to pieces BFF. Always. XOXOXO
    • Jeanne Ward Wow... I think I wrote that..giggle… You know that from the very beginning it was like looking in the mirror at our personalities and loves and likes, and all the places we both loved so much.. I always know what you are going to say before you say it See More
  • Brenda Gunter Love and miss you forever!! Xoxoxo ❤️
  • Sandra Verlander Ballard I’m glad I met you even though it was “later in life” and a sad time for you. I would have loved to have known you for all of those decades. You are a blessing to me now so I know what I missed❣️
  • Jeanne Ward Molly Renner you will always be that beautiful soul for me.... you sang your way in my heart in being such an amazing Beautiful Classmate...and I truly remember those days and how much you yourself was so Great at everything you did... Talented. Talented in more ways then one.. I still have pictures I copied from your designs you drew and crafted the were awesome.. but you san and looked so much like Linda Ronstadt, I know you heard me tell you that a million times... but you are beautiful today as you were in School... and Thank you for being My Dear Friend...💞💞💞💞💞💞
  • Thomas Williams I am very glad to hear from you again here on Facebook, Jeanne, because we have grown very fond of you and your council so, of course, I feel relieved that you are back, Love Tommy.
Jeanne Ward, I just love having you to share stories and times and all that we share... trust me on that.. Facebook has become my connection with people I adore and care so much for... I am a talker... always have always will be...just let me pull out those Report cards.... hahahahahaa… Love Ya too...💞💞💞💞💞
  • Jeanne Ward My Dear Friend Thomas Williams my Tommy, and Louisiana Gem~~ I knew you were from there before You told me... there is something very special about those Beautiful Souls from Louisiana that I adore so much.. like I mentioned to you before when I went there the first time, I was so impressed by their ways and their culture and their music and there love of life.. I met some amazing people over time there and fell so in love with them... Was warned ahead of time about many of the true Cajun communities that they had a way of accepting those in their community and I was,
    Oh Lord, here I go, giving it all I got~~ Even though I was living in Charleston SC which Is known for it's Southern Hospitality, I had to express this for sure... when I got there and made my trip to the grocery store to pick some items up... for the very first time there, standing in line at the checkout, a lovely person, turned to me in that long line where they had been standing said, please go in front of me, I have a lot more than you and don't mind? Good Lord that was several years ago and never had I seen that except when I was young when I saw my father do that .... that was such a little thing but a big thing for me... ~~ Tommy a little story.. I wanted to get out for a little while the first week I was there.. I love the Blue's and was in the Heart of the Blue's World of Music... but was a stranger not a local.. so I was warned upfront... lol.. that never stops me.. so I go to the local watering hole where the Blues were being played. I walked in and there was a table of women all together.. of course I got the once over knowing I was not from there.. they sure looked scary to me... were Cajun born and I and my friend sat down the order a beer... the Music was off the charts.. This was when line dancing was not even a thing in SC yet... and these women got up and started dancing which I was all in for... it was great...~~ but in the back of my head I thought they may decide to run me out on a rail... giggle.. so I sit there watching having fun doing so..Now I can't talk French Cajun slang but you can understand Tommy what I mean... the largest one stopped dancing and as I watched her walk over to me .. I said well this is it, lol... I started to ease out of the chair and grab my purse to get ready to She said ot me in her Cajun slang... "Well, are you going to sit there like a Toad, or get up here and dance with the people"? as she grabbed my arm and walked me out to the floor... Tommy the rest was history... the rest of the time they welcomed me to their homes, fishing on the piers and many home fish fry... I was forever in love with the Bayou.....
    • Love
  • Jeanne Ward ðŸ’žðŸ’žðŸ’žðŸ’žðŸ’ž
    • Love
  • Thomas Williams ("Lay-say le bon tom roo-lay") means "let the good times roll"...
    let's dance ~Chris Montez
    let's dance ~Chris Montez
  • Jeanne Ward Thomas Williams"Ya Mama and dem"~~~otherwise Family~~ for those that know...xoxo

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