Thursday, January 2, 2020

Why are you refrain from being ruthless with these politically corrupt Washington DC establishment swamp creatures so far?

A lot of very good people were taken down by a small group of Dirty (Filthy) Cops, politicians, government officials, and an investigation that was illegally started & that SPIED on my campaign. The Witch Hunt is sputtering badly, but still going on (Ukraine Hoax!). If this....
....had happened to a Presidential candidate, or President, who was a Democrat, everybody involved would long ago be in jail for treason (and more), and it would be considered the CRIME OF THE CENTURY, far bigger and more sinister than Watergate!
Thomas Williams 

Yes, Mr. President we also are very disappointed with the American people who are treating you and I like their mortal enemies trying in every way they can to keep us from also running the US Government as the American people voted for you to do. Fulfill your promises to us that you are now trying to do in spite of these Washington DC establishment members treating you and me so viciously. 

My friend told me "Sooner or later something is going to happen if you are elected again setting them back because they will be unable to say that America doesn't support you when your reelection will bust that political talking point bubble for good.

That it might become the only way for you to keep pushing them aside and leave us alone is to get rootless and use every means you have to take them out of social circulation once and for all."

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