Monday, May 11, 2020

Being interested in how a house is built is not enough reason to accuse him of trying to be a thief. These hateful men used this to shake down an innocent man to hurt or kill him is obvious. I demand Justice over these two killers taking Ahumaud life, or we will turn on you the very people we elected to keep us from that kind of harm. We demand justice for Ahmaud Arbery!!!

  • Thomas Williams - Being interested in how a house is built is not enough reason to accuse him of trying to be a thief. These hateful men used this to shake down an innocent man to hurt or kill him is obvious. I demand Justice over these two killers taking Ahumaud life, or we will turn on you the very people we elected to keep us from that kind of harm. We demand justice for Ahmaud Arbery!!!
  • Karen Marie - As far as the one-hour discrepancy in the videos, the first thought that came to my mind is that maybe someone neglected to change the time from Standard Time to Daylight Savings Time.
  • Lee Lumpy - And this is the very reason I wish everyone would slow down and let the wheels of justice turn. Wait till the investigation finish

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