Saturday, May 2, 2020

Did you get what you voted for from President Donald Trump, and are you still willing to keep on fighting to make America great again?

T.W.- The people with real power here in America are not the people you see on television, no, they are living in the shadows pulling the string of the people who you are seeing now running the leaver of power to your US government. 

Is President Trump a real revolutionary against the corrupted past political power structure or a guy who just wants to get along? Comprise is not their goal but to simply eat Presiden Trump piece by piece making everything so bad that the American people will want to elect someone else.

We were told by this country media that the people in this picture were honorable men and women and how we learned the hard way that was not so.

The blood-sucking scars from the tentacles of the Obama administration are still being seen today even despite this country's corrupted media-political cover-up.
The political power structure of the Obama Administration created many tentacles of corrupt leaders behaving very badly coldly and unforgiving about the harm they did to their victims, and object of their hatred, you and me electing Donald Trump the 45th president of the United States.

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