Saturday, May 9, 2020

How do you like these headlines, "Justice For Gregory and Travis McMichael." - Where is this neighborhood of racist people, how they would see I am not as good a person as Jesus.

Because they could command him like a dog...

  • Casey Morris What’s crazy is everyone on this page is judging these people, not saying what they did was right by any means. If you are a follower of Christ though, then you already know what awaits them. That’s all that matters.
  • Sarwanda Butler Ridiculous
  • Mary WilliamsIt saddens me! It scares me! And yes that group is sick!
  • Thomas Williams Bring back the electric chair and Fry these two creeps. And what kind of a neighborhood is that being so impolite to people jogging in the Open Spaces by accusing them of something they've never done. So what's wrong with those people, and what's wrong with that neighborhood! Are you kidding me? What's wrong with this damn crime-ridden community of people in the guise of civilization? Those two men chase down an innocent unarmed man and killed him - is that the reflective of the kind of people that live in that neighborhood? I want that man's life back you trashy disgusting twisted neighborhood of racist people. But you can't do that now, can you!!!

    By the way, where is this neighborhood of racist people so I can avoid it or otherwise go to the electric chair too because I would demand that man's life back who died there, or else. That they would see I am not as good a person as Jesus.
The man who shot the consequential video of Ahmaud Arbery’s killing is now receiving threats amid cries for his arrest, his attorney said. The revelation comes after the Georgia Bureau of Investiga…

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