Friday, May 1, 2020

How far does Facebook go out into the invisible because I have a few things to say I feel a rage coming on?

T.W.- Why did Corporate America only pay my grandmother 50% of what the men made back in 1919? What kind of ugly hypocrisy and cruelty is that? The social meanness you wretched 20th-century male SOB's. I hope God sent you straight to hell. What kind of social madness was in style back then, discriminating against people because they were black, poor, or female, what was wrong with those people? Nothing but a bunch of morons dirty ratchet bastards perverts! There was no excuse, none, for that kind of attitude towards women and other races. Maniacs!!! Employing underage children in sweat houses all through the Industrial age, you son of a mother ÷×=%*€ - God almighty!!!


  • Thomas WilliamsI feel a rage coming on and it just might be all those sad voices talking to me from the grave who lived back in the 20th-century America when and where the slave masters drove them morning noon and night to keep serving corporate America.

    How those mean bastards were working for the political network hand and hand with the US Government political forces taking advantage of the times using social taboos, like don't sit with the men talking about business. Treating our countrymen young and old very cruelly by bulling them around. Keeping them down among the subclass so to better serve the rich powerful ruling authorities at that time.

    I feel a rage coming on and it must be from the souls of our countrymen talking to you and me, telling us, "don't let that same Political Power structure created by Corporate greed, corrupt government, and compliant media hurt us as they hurt them way back in their time, into our real-time 5/1/2020. Stop them and tell them all to go to Hell."
"Biggs told Just the News said that the trillions of dollars in coronavirus aid piled on the structural deficit for this fiscal year combined with the likelihood of even more spending in the coming months will bring the national debt to somewhere between $28 trillion to $30 trillion by the end of September."

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