T.W.- I want to go back and treat you like I should have from the start but somehow became sideways instead of moving forward giving to you what I was feeling all along. How I was feeling nothing but gratitude and appreciation from the moment we met, and how much I love you with all of my heart. But drifted into our real-time life together working, raising children, taking care of business, finding the time to kiss without the presence of mind to keep treating you with bravery, strength, and truth. Giving in to this country's two political party systems that were really only one body putting on a TV Show that kept stealing and abusing the daily news and freedom we trusted them with. The corruption people doing ugly business from the shadows in the guise of your great honor that was making our country's politics impossible to fix or get right.
Now that I feel like you are about to be toppled from within by these weak men and women selling you out to the greedy tyrannical forces of China over the years taking you apart piece by piece. I want to come to your side to protect you again, hoping that it is not too late. Fighting together against the feeding frenzied mob making sure that they lose so help us God, and hoping that there is still enough left to rebuild. That the printing money from nothing destructive people leave us alone at last.
Gather together to fight their social evil back into the Hell they came from.
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