Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The population living in New York State keeps electing corrupted political leaders, why?

New York State Politics is not my friend at all.
It looks like New York City likes to elect old political power structure puppets like them because they are social cowards afraid of real men and women.
Thomas Williams - I kept asking myself why is the population in New York City electing corrupted people? The logical answer is they are corrupted, to begin with, and no good. They can't election real brave people who struggle with doing right against the wrong cuz that's what real brave people do and it's obvious to me that the population of New York are cowards and puppets to corruption like the people they elect.
Bob Schatan-Facebook
Flavia Eckholm added: I had to go around the mulberry bush to access this article. For some reason, Google wants to bury it. I went through Duck Duck Go, and voila! The article popped up.
The picture is getting clearer, why Flynn was the target. He was part of the Obama team and knew all the inside information. The mistake was, instead of just firing him and publicly dissing him, the DOJ was probably given orders to bury Flynn in legal charges. When Flynn became an active part of the Trump campaign, that was one bridge too far for the people who were already in danger of exposure.
No one saw lawyer, Sidney Powell coming. 

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