Friday, June 19, 2020

We having a Crime Wave, ladies and gentlemen.

Why are Democrats and unions working against life-changing school choice for underserved children? President Trump supports SCHOOL CHOICE! #SchoolChoiceNow
We not suffering through a racist time in America that's just a cover for the crime wave that's really attacking us.
Thomas Williams - This 2020 crime wave has you by the chestnuts, ladies, and gentlemen. The criminal leaders are on Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Congress, Academia, and Corporate America in this country, and around the world. They work in unison as criminals enterprise grabbing wealth and power using idiot college students, Racial fears, and hatreds against your best social interest.

President Donald Trump refuses to play along with the globalist crimewave ambitions so they are out to get him, you, and me. To understand this reality for what it is in 2020.

How this is nothing but just more organizing crime doing the same of the same old same old robbing, stealing, and fixing the game against you and me.

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