Saturday, June 13, 2020

What about all the other crimes the police are involved with, in real times, shootings, hold-ups, rapes, cruel kidnappings, and murder?

Your news media are rotten dirty bad people chasing down every case of police shooting a black man in real-time. Why only them?
  • Thomas Williams What about all the other crimes the police are involved with, in real times, shootings, hold-ups, rapes, cruel kidnappings, and murder?
  • Judy Plutchak They have shot white people too but won't show that..not in their narrative. I am not saying all cops are bad..we have bad and good.
    • Thomas Williams - Yes, the media are going all-in on covering the bad and not reporting about the good, and the obvious reason must be they don't want to. How the media like what they are showing us, even if that is not the true story and only the story they want to tell. So, of course, I think the news media member working for this country's TV Networks, is no good.

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