Wednesday, June 17, 2020

White people cannot be policemen any more because now they will go to jail enforcing the law because of their underline racism and how this 2020 civilization in America is that barbaric these days.

Quit now or become accused of underline racism doing your job, officer friendly.
Thomas Williams
The Atlanta Police Department is 58% black how is that syndemic police racism? Who in their right mind would be a policeman today?
 T.W. - I am not anything you say just because you say it. How undermining the legitimacy of law enforcement by this country's population who sympathizes with people resisting arrest is becoming impossible for honest men and women being faithful to lady justice.

Now how a man sleeping in your car at Wendy's incident has turned into one man dead (who was resisting arrest) and the police officer about to go to jail for the rest of his life, how this 2020 civilization in America is that barbaric these days.

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