Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced on Wednesday that the police officer who killed Rayshard Brooks last week was being charged with felony murder and that Brooks did not pose a threat to the officer even though Brooks fired a taser at the officer. The remarks from Howard come afte...
Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard announced on Wednesday that the police officer who killed Rayshard Brooks last week was being charged with felony murder and that Brooks did not pose a threat to the officer even though Brooks fired a taser at the officer. The remarks from Howard come afte..
- Kevin Schruben
‘They’re’ trying to get all the cops to quit so ‘they’ can begin the next steps of NWO
- Michael Luciana
Well if the judge is competent the correct decision will be made. And idiot jury of course
- Alex Pedregon
Even if they lose this case, which they will if a genuine jury is formed, they win. As soon as the not guilty verdict is announced the terrorism will begin again.
- Thomas Williams
, Would you vote for this lady, Keyleigh McEnany, at the next election?
... https://tinkertowntiger.blogspot.com/.../would-you-vote...TINKERTOWNTIGER.BLOGSPOT.COMWould you vote for this lady, Keyleigh McEnany, at the next election?Would you vote for this lady, Keyleigh McEnany, at the next election?- Gary Rabbe
Thomas Williams absolutely. For any office she desired. That would be 2024. President Trump needs her now.
- Todd McKinsey
Atlanta PD is following suit as well. Most of the department turned in their keys last night
- Jean Mohler And that same DA called it a lethal weapon no more than 2 weeks ago LOL...smh
- Jason VC Astel
Stand against all Democratic ran city's. Take this great country back. Don't fall into the trap, Democrats are full of crap.
- Teresa Dowler Prayers for the people of Atlanta and Atlanta Blue
- JanGee Myers Real hating going on. Bought & sold. Satan's corp.
- Sandra DeFelice
Let’s pray if he is sentenced, that President Trump will pardon him! Back the blue!!
- Kevin W. Smith Typical liberal Democrap hypocrisy!
- Joan Attoinese Ryan
Barry Burke Jr. .....ME TOO. After seeing Wendy's video on Tucker's show last night than watching the video of the DA's "rendition" I felt like I'd been transported to the "twilight zone". Unfreakingbelievable 👿👿
- Val Flaker Blake
Joan Attoinese Ryan wants to see some really disturbing videos of the thug assaults going on, go to Instagram, and look up @dc_draino and @homiesfortrump. The videos are disturbing. Thugs just going up to regular citizens (white, of course) minding their own business and they just come up and pound them down or mob attack a single person. It is SICK what is going on right now.
- Richard Brown
The cop did what he was trained to do, so they need to change their training and laws to match what the people want. At the moment the cop was right.
- Toni Gerke-Glover
Paul Howard should have his law license revoked. He’s going to lose. It’s disgraceful what Democrats evil hateful racist rhetoric and hateful propaganda have caused. Corrupt criminals and cheaters and liars and thieves that’s the Democratic Party in a nutshell.
- Revelyn Lonning
A taser in the hands of someone not trained could be a deadly weapon. The cop was facing a man with this weapon in his hands.
- Mel Smith
This lawyer is a dumb ass to think the cop should have let him go when he said he was fine to walk.
- Lambert Jeffro
What do we have a set of laws for blacks and a set for whites? This is just another racist railroading shot!
- Robert Melillo
There are deep swamps in every democratic governed city.. why else would all these cities be a disaster???
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