Wednesday, August 12, 2020

CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC is watching what you say about Kamala Harris, Eileen Brown.

 Valerie Jarrett is watching you.

T.W. - You guys can't talk about Kamelia Harris like that in public, that's racist, cuz Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett are going to come after you, and smearing y'all over the media for calling her out, and criticizing her, that's racist talk. So you better watch out because Valerie Jarrett and CNN will come after you for real.
Eileen Brown
Choosing race and sex over qualifications.
What do you call that?


Barack Obama and Kamala Harris


1 comment:

  1. Everyone sees through all of the
    Bull! Send all them hate baiters back to the SWAMP! ONE AMERICA!
