Monday, December 21, 2020

Look for a coaching change on LSU Ed Orgeron college football coaching staff in a few weeks?


Happy days are here again under the lights at LSU Tiger Stadium, Baton Rouge Louisiana



dandy don's LSU report -

From Richard: My comments have less to do with the game itself, and more to do with my first LSU/Ole Miss game as a 13 year old on Halloween night 1959. The game last night was certainly “comment worthy” – both positive and negative – and I’m sure you’ll get some zingers. But as I sat there after the game, cold and wet, depleted by the game itself, and gathering energy for the long trek back to my car in a driving rain, I thought back to how much has changed since that long ago game. (Give me credit for not writing “harkened back,” which is way too flowery for LSU football!) For instance, Jumbotrons – they still blow my mind! And the pregame and halftime extravaganzas of today absolutely defy comparison! Also, in 1959 the sale of alcohol was illegal within 2 miles of the campus, yet whiskey in flasks was everywhere. (In fact, my most vivid memory of Cannon’s run was taking a hi-ball shower as he crossed the goal line.) And, along with the hard stuff, fights in the stands were common. (LSU/Tulane always seemed to bring out the worst in everyone.) Smoking in the stands was pervasive; second hand smoke was impossible to escape – particularly to those of us who felt the need to breathe. And there wasn’t constant music from the PA system then, which may or may not be a good thing, depending on individual ticket holders, but it’s had a profound impact on the game’s atmosphere. I was at that 1959 game because I used my Mother’s ticket (she was 8 and 3/4 months pregnant at the time), but, believe me, there weren’t too many kids there. LSU football was NOT family entertainment like it is today. Which leads me to my final thought: I feel that I represent a subset of ONE – of those who attended that 1959 game AND those who were in Tiger Stadium, wet, cold and exhausted, at the end of that game last night. What do you think? — Richard O’Hara, Metairie LA

My Response: Sir, I love receiving messages like yours! As I sat watching this Saturday’s game from the comfort of my living room, I said to myself I’d love to shake hands with every Tiger fan committed enough to sit through it in the rain. I commend you all for your commitment to our beloved Tigers, and you in particular for sharing a bit of Tiger history. By posting your message, maybe we’ll learn of others in your rare subset. You all deserve a tip of the hat and a Tiger salute! Thanks again!

From Roger: Really excited about the comeback victory over the Rebels in a heavy rain storm. One side note that should be mentioned is the condition of the field. Despite the heavy rain for a long period of time, that field was in absolute perfect condition at the end of the game! A big shoutout to the LSU ground keepers and the landscape architects who did a complete makeover of the field during last spring/summer. (Just think back to games played in the rain last year where footing was horrible on a sloppy field.)



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